Thursday, March 21, 2013

MaggieMoose: March Madness PINK!

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love."

  On the first day of Spring Maggie and I took our usual morning walk. KAPOW! Spring was everywhere in pink. Our favorite color. The human in me was thinking of all the pollen. Did I take my Claritin? Maggie was fine. Her wiggle butt kept wiggling, pollen wasn't an issue for her. The sun wasn't in full bloom like the flowers, but oh to see the spectacular madness of pink left us pink speechless. 

There were two teams of competing pink trees. Light pink and dark pink. They stood feet away from each other. We applauded them both. Long live pink! Out of the ashes of winter they rose into their Spring fling. Maggie wanted to make sure she brought a little of Winter's cast off inside. Just a little remembrance of the love we shared while we stayed warm through winter's chill. That's my girl Maggie, sharing the love. OK girl, please drop the leaf!

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