Monday, March 18, 2013

MaggieMoose: Annie the Great

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Some choices we live not only once but a thousand times over, remembering them for the rest of out lives."

  Today I woke up thinking of our sweet Annie. She is no longer with Maggie and me. She went OTRB on Sept 23, 2011 (over the rainbow bridge-a fond pet term for passed on).  Annie weighed all of 3 lbs and was the greatest pup. We rescued her from a Yorkshire Terrier breeder. I remember when my girls and I picked her up. The breeder was chain smoking; she had one cigarette in her mouth and one cigarette lit and burning in the ashtray. Annie smelled like cigarettes for two weeks afterwards even with us giving her multiple baths. When we brought her home her weight was only 2 lbs. Our Vet told us she had a hole in her heart. We took her to UC Davis Animal Hospital for cardiac surgery. After her surgery she grew taller and longer to reach a full 3 lbs & 4 oz. Healthy at last. Annie was pure sweetness. We had her for many years. Maggie and Annie were great pals even if Maggie grew a bit bigger than Annie's petite size. The reason I have Maggie is because of Annie. 

I knew Annie probably wouldn't last through the year (2011). Selfishly I didn't want to suffer the heartbreak I did when I lost my pal Scotty (Maltese) OTRB so, I went back to my childhood breed of English Springer Spaniels. Ironically, Annie was rescued from a horrible breeder that should have been shut down, while Maggie was from a breeder that puts "over the top" loving into her dogs. Maggie is proof of this-she is pure love. As I remember Annie's life with us I remember the first day Maggie arrived almost two years ago. My daughter Christy and I picked her up at the airport. She was the cutest, sweetest puppy. Mellow as can be. Loveable, huggable, and ready for anything. We stopped at the pet store on the way home because the collar I bought for her was too big. In the pet store I captured the moment. I took a photo of my daughter holding sweet Maggie. Ahhh.

Our little Yorkie Annie took to our new puppy Maggie immediately. Annie always was by Maggie's side. Annie shared her fleece blankets with Maggie. Annie was a big 'fleece blanket' aficionado. She loved her cozy, just like Maggie loves her cozies now. In remembering my choices; rescuing Annie and later purposely choosing Maggie, I would do it all in a heartbeat again. Annie was so full of love and sweetness. Her passing was rough, but Maggie's presence was a wonderful help to ease the transition. I was able to wake up and still smile even if I missed my 3 lb buddy Annie. Both my dogs Annie and Maggie have blessed my life. It is in remembering their loving essence at different stages in their sweet doggy lives that puts a smile on my face today. 

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