Monday, March 25, 2013

MaggieMoose: Fruits R Us

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit."

  Long before Maggie came to live with me children's laughter boomed outdoors high up in the big old tree. This tree was perfect for climbing. I had visions of my munchkins as avid explorers having perfect Huck Finn adventures in our backyard. Our big tree eventually had to be removed due to disease. Fortunately, there were many saplings lining the yard that we let grow. Now they're towering beauties. Maggie appreciates the fruit that they bear. Especially after a strong wind. It all falls to the ground. The ground is Maggie's adventurous territory. SNIFF SNIFF. She sniffs out the best of the best. And brings it inside. Are our trees fruit stores or toy stores? Maggie thinks a little of both. Like my kids brought nature indoors (bugs & the like) I now have Maggie sharing her fruits of the outdoors inside with me. Thanks Maggie. Always room for a twig or two. Smile. I'm glad I let those saplings grow.

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