Tuesday, July 31, 2012

MaggieMoose Swims In The Sea of Love

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:

“Just like a sunbeam can't separate itself from the sun, and a wave can't separate itself from the ocean, 
we can't separate ourselves from one another. 
We are all part of a vast sea of love....” 

  It is Tuesday. Love Day. Maggie and I are Facebook friends with St. Joseph's Indian School in South Dakota. This school all about making a difference for Lakota (Sioux) kids in need. Without financial support these amazing kids might be homeless, hungry and living in abusive situations. We feel their love across the miles. We send our love and support back to them. Maggie and I love that at while living at St. Joseph's Indian School their are able to experience the love of learning their Lakota (Sioux) culture. Weekly on the St. Joseph's Indian School Facebook page they have a "Lakota word" for the day. Maggie is learning quite a few new words. Thank you kids! One of our favorite words is Wacantoognaka (Wah chan tay ogna kay) = Generosity/Generous with the Heart ♥ Maggie likes to be generous with her heart. She shares her love of twigs with me, her tennis balls, and her 50 lb. body as she plops down on me. If we are all in a sea of love Maggie thinks the least we can do is plunge in and swim with a generous heart.... 
Maggie sharing the twig love

To Help & Make A Difference please contact: http://stjo.org

Monday, July 30, 2012

Giving Thanks for Unknown Blessings At 9,700 feet

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"A forest of these trees is a spectacle too much for one man to see."

Utah Wasatch Mountain Range (private property)

  Memories of Utah still tug at me. It was a week ago today I was there. I'm remembering the mountains I traveled through that held so much diversity in their topography. It was a gift to see all that I did. Much too much for one person and moose dog to keep to themselves. Maggie and I look at the photos and they all have that WOW factor. Her tongue hangs out with disbelief how spectacular they are. Maggie sees a lot of sniffing and twig potential, but domestic animals aren't allowed there. Maggie's confused why she can't go hiking in the Wasatch mountains since she's part moose. I explain and we continue to look at the photos. Every photographic look has a special unknown blessing in it. The tipi in the middle of nowhere alongside the forest line, the Mule deer I saw leaping through the forest, or the three in one tree from 9,700 feet elevation. The forest of trees was much to much for Maggie and me to keep to ourselves. We like to share and give thanks for unknown blessings.
Wasatch Mountain's National Forest three in one tree (s)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Royal Moment On Purple Petals Majesty

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can."  

purple petals majesty

  Maggie is easy going. I like that about her. If I want her to run she runs. If I want her to walk she walks. If I want her to pose she poses. Here's the catch. She poses the way she wants to pose. Somehow she always looks like so much more than she she looked at first glance. When I reflect on Maggie's photos I catch that something extra about her. People are like that too. My moose girl casually goes albout her day. She wakes up. She sandwiches her day with all kinds of wonders. Just like a good in between filling of purple petals majesty. She's an elegant, royal girl to me. When she goes to sleep I might see her running with her moose size paws or peacefully laying in a MaggieMoose slumber. My special girl occupies herself the best she can and fills my heart with memories of royalty.

Maggie on a bed of purple petals majesty looking very royal

Saturday, July 28, 2012

MaggieMoose: Nature Girl Glams It Up!

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Glamour is about feeling good in your own skin."

Maggie before grooming with mani/pedi

  Maggie can play rough & tough, climb mountains, swim in pools, and be one with Mother Nature. Sometimes Maggie likes to have a "girly" day at the groomers. She gets her hair trimmed, her nails are manicured and pedicured, and she gets to mingle with her dogs friends. After all, Maggie is a social girl. She likes to look and feel good too. Yesterday was Maggie's day! While she waited to get primped she met a new friend called "Sweetie", the cutest Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. As I left Maggie her tail was wagging and she happily walked into the groomers. When I picked her up she smelled so sweet with that special shampoo they use. Her hair and nails were beautiful. I could tell this glamour girl felt good in her own skin. 

Maggie whispered into my ear while she licked me "Thanks mom."

"No problem Maggie. Same time next month?"

"Woof Woof."

Maggie after her "girly" day!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Red Tailed Hawk Rendezvous

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
“There is an ancient Indian saying: 'We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.' If we use this ethic as a moral compass, then our rendezvous with reality can also become a rendezvous with opportunity.

Red Tailed Hawk on our walk

  Maggie and I had just started on our walk and BAM! There was a Red Tailed Hawk in front of us. We know this bird. We know what tree it lives in. We see it fly high above scouting for food, but we've never seen it so close to us before. We felt privileged to be in its presence. I asked Maggie to sit. She politely sat. Maggie knows the drill. When we see wildlife on our walks she is to be very quiet so, I can take photos. I can't verbally describe the majesty this bird of prey projected as it stood there very still. It was big and bold in a quiet way. As I drew out my iPhone (the only camera on me), unlocked the password protect, I took the first photo. My plan was to walk closer to it and take whatever photos were possible. It took off in flight. I snapped the photo. What wasn't captured in the photo is the prey in its talons when it took off. We saw it though. It held its dinner closely locked in its talons while it flew away from Maggie and me. Maggie could see the bird over by the trees after it landed, but I couldn't. It blended in with the background and became invisible. We had an amazing rendezvous with opportunity seeing our neighbor the Red Tailed Hawk on our walk.
Red Tailed hawk in flight with its prey

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Maggie Climbs The Mountain at Windy Hill

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean."

Maggie at the top of Windy Hill
One of Maggie's views from the top of Windy Hill

  While I was in Utah working Maggie was back in California. She went for a 5.5 mile mountain hike at Windy Hill Preserve. At the top of the trail there are 360 degree views from San Jose to San Francisco. Maggie used her Gulpy water dispenser to pack in water for the trip. Hikers admired her cleverness in bringing this container. Maggie, being the social girl she is mingled with folks along the trail while hiking. She shared her happy good nature. It was a hot day. Maggie's tongue was to the ground. It's amazing how long English Springer Spaniel's tongues can reach. Although Maggie was carefully checked for ticks after the walk, she did bring home one little wondering tick. It was removed immediately. One warning she has to other dog owners is stay on the trail away from the trees and get checked for ticks after hiking. Maggie loved her long hot hike. Her spirit was washed clear away as she enjoyed the beautiful day with her family back home. At the end of the day Maggie stayed in one spot exhausted. She remained content her happy heart was filled with nature's memories. I give special thanks to the family back home for taking Maggie on a hike at Windy Hill Preserve. Maggie loved it. Woof Woof
Maggie at the end of the day of hiking


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Reunited Woof Woof and It Feels So Good

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"All the happiness you ever find lies in you."

Maggie & I reunited
Maggie gives a lick lick kiss on my cheek

  Yesterday when I arrived home from my trip Maggie was over the moon. She was as excited as I was. Her happiness and my happiness was bubbling over. We had a great time on our walk while we got our wiggles & giggles out from seeing each other. The song that came to my mind as we were walking was the Reunited by Peaches & Herb. The lyric that kept playing in my mind was "reunited and it feels so good". Maggie and I had a fun afternoon topped off by a ride to IN-N-OUT BURGER with Maggie's human sibling joining in on the fun. In the evening Maggie was planted on my legs glued to me like superglue. We both had a great time while we were apart, but there's nothing like being reunited. Woof Woof, it feels so good!
Maggie staring into my eyes

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Eye of the Tree At Guardsman Pass

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature."

Eye of the tree at Guardsman Pass, Utah (Empire Pass)

  Today Maggie will be surprised when I arrive back home after my trip to Utah. It's a very special day for me to be reunited with her and it's a very special day in Utah. It's Pioneer Day, a state holiday. This day celebrates the first pioneers as they entered the Salt Lake Valley in 1847 with Brigham Young. After my road trip yesterday with my colleague I can see why they celebrate this special place. During the early evening hours a colleague and myself drove through both Little Cottonwood Canyon and Big Cottonwood Canyon in the Wasatch Range of Utah. It took us forever as we kept stopping to take photos, smell the mountain air, or watch deer leaping through the forests of Utah. It was breathtaking. No words can describe the magnificence of the unspoiled miles of nature we saw. Yes, we saw many ski resorts alone the way, but in between the glory of mother nature was so powerful it felt magical. Wait a minute, what's that sound? I think I hear a MaggieMoose calling me. I better start packing all my beautiful memories from the Wasatch National Forest. Thanks Utah for the gift of glory I experienced in the wealth of your mountains. It was SPECTACULAR!

View of Guardsman Pass, Utah
elevation~9,700 ft

Monday, July 23, 2012

Want Love? Add Dog

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue."

Christy & "B" aka Libby
Christy & B

  Maggie wrote about Libby the dog awhile back in her blog called "Friends Come In All Shapes: Ask Libby". She was in an animal shelter in Boston. Christy & Ryan adopted "B" whose full name is Libby or Liberty, but she kinda likes being called just "B". We think B is a wonderful name for a "B"eautiful dog. Today, July 23rd is Bloggers Unite for Dog Rescue. Proof is in the pudding if you want some love get a dog. 100% pure unconditional love. Too many dogs are found in local dog rescue groups or at animal shelters. Maggie has many dog friends who were "rescued" or "adopted". They tell her it's a win win situation. Maggie wanted to show off some of her rescued friends photos. She thinks they are all the best tail waggers around! Maggie and I want everyone to think of the limitless pawsabilities when a heart is shared with another.... Want love, add dog! Woof! Woof!

Bella arriving in her loving home
Bella after being filled up with love
Daisy looking for love
All is good in Daisy land
Kirby says Aloha & Mahalo in his Kona lei
Kirby chilling with his bud
"Dogs are miracles with paws."

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Roaring Like A Lion in Salt Lake City?

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"It is better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep." 

Lion head

  I'm still out of town at the work conference. At the end of the day a colleague and I decided to stroll around the Morman Temple grounds of Salt Lake City. When I saw lion head statuaries lining a building's perimeter it reminded me of my mom. One of her favorite quotes is about how she rather live one day as a lion instead of a thousand as a sheep. It must be genetic. I feel the same way. It's kindred to the other saying "go big or go home". I think lions believe in pawsabilities like my MaggieMoose. Their roar certainly can stop one in their tracks. Meanwhile back home, the social butterfly Maggie is living the high life out visiting folks and mingling with the humans. I think I heard a roar coming from California....Maggie was that you?

Dusk at Morman Temple in Salt Lake City 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

There's No Place Like Home When It's Everywhere

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
“If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with.”

Utah Moose or Maggie's shadow?

  It seems that no matter how far I go from home, home never leaves me. Smack dab in the center of my hotel lobby in Utah is a moose. I just left MaggieMoose at home. Here I arrive in Utah and a moose is looking at me! Yes Maggie, I haven't forgotten you. Yes Maggie, I miss you too. There are wonderful people here in Utah. Beautiful hotel. Divine classical music was playing in my hotel room when I arrived back in my room. How did they know it's my favorite music...and the mountains surrounding this far city are magnificent. This morning is my first cup of coffee without my MaggieMoose and tennis ball.... Fortunately for me, there's no place like home when it's everywhere. I'm off to the conference. I think back home Maggie has a swim date?
mountains of Utah view 1
mountains of Utah view 2

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday's Change Begins With A Red Ball

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

Maggie's new red ball

  The other day I branched out and bought Maggie a new ball. This red ball squeaks too. I wasn't quite sure how she might like it after her long association and love for tennis balls. I was surprised. She eagerly embraced the change. She loves her new red ball. Yes, the tennis balls still get the majority of her teeth. It's an 80% to 20% of ball play time. While drinking coffee and checking email Maggie brought me her new ball. Wet and slobbery just like she likes it. I threw the ball down the hall. I reflected that today I'm going out of town without Maggie. I will miss my girl. While I'm gone Maggie will be living it up with her human sibling going swimming and other fun things. I am reminded that I need to take a clue from Maggie. The moose knows best.  So, when I fly out of town, I'll remember to do like Maggie does and embrace  change with vigor. Missing you girl.....

Maggie holds on to her ball

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Facing Forward

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Maggie and her ball

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Nordstrom, Sephora and Feral Cats & Kittens

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
Each day provides its own gifts.

Maggie's gift to human sibling

  Maggie enjoys her human sibling home from college after graduating. Her tennis balls are very precious to Maggie, but she decided to share the love. She put her tennis ball in the Sephora shopping bag right next to the Nordstrom bag and shoes by Sam Edelman. Now when it's time to put the make-up on maybe a few tennis ball throws will bring the gift of joy to both Maggie's sibling and herself. Maggie's generosity didn't stop there. She decided to donate to Mountain House Feral Cat Rescue too. Feral cats are everywhere. Unless people stop and decide to help out through giving time or money these feral cats will continue to multiple. Cats are trapped, neutered and released into foster homes or adopted by forever families. Some cats have greater needs such as increased veterinary costs due to their sickness. Volunteers or donations are always welcome. Check out their webpage or Facebook page: http://www.mountainhousecats.com/ . There are many cats and kittens waiting for a good home. Mountain House Feral Car Rescue wants people to be part of the solution and not the problem. Maggie likes this thinking. Her cat friends agree. Maggie likes giving gifts. It makes the world go round with a smile for you and me when each day provides its own gifts.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Thousands of Candles of Happiness

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."


  For me, Maggie is the single candle that lights the flame of many more candles of happiness. As Maggie shares her joy for life with myself and others, others' lives touch others who continue the joy and happiness. I am blessed Maggie's flame burns brightly in my heart & soul. I am happy to share her lighted candle...her little MaggieMoose torch brings such joy to the lives of those she passes by. A hug from her, a lick of a doggy kiss, a twig or two and a silly antic is all it takes for me to smile when she's around. Namaste Maggie. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Moment

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Wherever you are - be all there."

Tui & Timmy


San Francisco, CA
Rosie's Roses

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Swamp People, Gators and Catahoula?

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking...."

Catahoula pup "Kyra" 6 months old

  The History channel's show Swamp People ended last Thursday night. It was a sad farewell to folks of great character from the Bayou. I was missing the gators too. A brief snapshot was given of the families of Troy Landry, R. J. Molinere or Liz Cavalier and more. I was mesmerized by their character, values, love of family, or helping the community. Plain and simple-enjoying life. These are the same values I was taught growing up. We are all different, yet the same. Maggie liked Bruce Mitchell's dog Tyler. Friday morning I went to the pet store to pick up some things for Maggie. I saw the cutest puppy. What was this breed? I found out she's a Catahoula pup. Catahoula what? Here I was missing the state of Louisiana only to discover I was meeting a breed who originated from Catahoula Parish in Louisiana! Life is good. It also turned out Kyra's owners family have an English Springer Spaniel dog like Maggie called LuLu. Yes, we are all different, yet the same. 
After chatting and photographing beautiful and curious Kyra I went to get Maggie's food. Before my eyes I saw a chew toy I knew Maggie was going to like, a purple gator! Ok, in California we do things different, we have purple gators. 
Maggie's purple gator
Maggie immediately liked this toy. She carries her gator everywhere. She will only give it up for a ball or maybe a twig. Louisiana, you have our hearts from California. We might pay you all a visit. We are loving the Catahoula pup Kyra too.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Whole Lot of Teeth Are Useful

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"You're gonna need a bigger boat."

San Francisco at Fisherman's Wharf

  While Maggie swam laps in the swimming pool I was in San Francisco admiring the local flavor of Fisherman's Wharf.  I came across Jaws. It reminded me of how sometimes it's good to stretch oneself and change things up. Like when the police chief said in the movie "you're going to need a bigger boat". We did have something in common with Jaws; a whole lot of teeth can be useful. Maggie went swimming and lounged by the pool. She ate rawhide chips instead of chasing tennis balls and eating twigs. I ate crab saute at Scoma'sWe both found  whole lot of teeth can be useful to do something different. 
Maggie poolside

crab saute at Scoma's restaurant

Friday, July 13, 2012

Playful Pawsabilities

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Play energizes us and enlivens us. It eases our burdens. It renews our natural sense of optimism and opens us up to new possibilities."

Maggie after her playful swim 

  Maggie loves a good play time. If she's not playing she's sleeping. When her tongue is hanging out after playtime I see her smiling back at me with a twinkle in her eyes. She winks at me. I wink back. We think any day is a good day to play in the hot summer time. Maggie likes to run through the sprinklers. She tries to drink the water drops. John, a friend of ours sent us a fun video of a baby moose in the sprinkler. Maggie and I watched it together. She got excited. She wanted to play too. We smiled and felt energized. What burdens? It's all about playful pawsabilities....

Let's go Maggie and play in the sprinklers!