Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4th: Maggie Moose's Love of Country

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.”
Coco Chanel

Maggie's rock solid love of country
  Maggie and I either see or find the most unbelievable things on our walks. Yesterday on our afternoon walk we found a rock with a heart on it. A real, honest to goodness, black heart emblazoned on an ordinary rock. I could see the tiny white marbling running through the heart like coronary arteries. Wow. The universe sent us a lovely prize. Maggie and I reflect on our country's birthday; July 4th. We believe love of country starts with the soil one stands on. The rock is proof. Our American forefathers believed in speaking out their independent thoughts. A great song that represents our forefathers is the Star Spangled Banner. We received an email with a a wonderful YouTube link of three young siblings singing their a cappella version of our National Anthem. This version is a MUST LISTEN. Click the highlighted link: Star Spangled Banner-National Anthem by Daves Highway. Love of country begins wherever you pridefully stand. Just look down, you might find a rock with heart on it like Maggie and I did. 

Happy July 4th!

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