Friday, August 31, 2012

MaggieMoose Is Ready: 2012 US Open Tennis

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Teach a child to play solitaire, and she'll be able to entertain herself when there's no one around. Teach her tennis, and she'll know what to do when she's on a court. But raise her to feel comfortable in nature, and the whole planet is her home."

Maggie is ready for US Open

  Maggie eats, sleeps, and breathes tennis ball. She likes to think she's a tennis ball star. You can bet your tennis balls she'll be watching the 2012 US Open tennis this weekend. That is in between roaming the woods, mingling with the humans, and amusing herself with her toys. All playfulness aside, Maggie is dead serious about the "tennis ball". She can toss it, catch it, carry it around, and fall asleep with it in her mouth. Not an easy feat. All this takes practice for Maggie to have a balanced life. She also appreciates all the dedication the tennis players in this weekend's  2012 US Open tennis have devoted to their sport. Maggie's a spectator. Enjoyment is her middle name. Those sparkly, clean new tennis balls look mighty good to her too. Maybe a career as a ball girl at the net is a pawsability?

Special dedication to UJ, tennis devotee! Woof Woof

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Me And My Shadow-We've Got Us

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Like the wallpaper sticks to the wall
Like the seashore clings to the sea
Like you'll never get rid of your shadow
You'll never get rid of me

Let all the others fight and fuss
Whatever happens, we've got us."

 Me And My Shadow

  Maggie and are we're walking on a sunny morning. Our shadows were displayed across the grass in giant size proportions. It reminded me of the clever song Me And My Shadow. An old song. The British singers Robbie Williams & Jonathon Wilkes' version came to mind. As Maggie and I danced along the sidewalk looking at our shadows we felt happy. It was a bright, beautiful day out together with each other. My shadow was all bundled up in the early morning chill. On our walk Maggie's Springer Spaniel ears swayed back and forth with our quick pace. We felt good as a team out together. We knew we've got us.

PLAY: Me and My Shadow by Robbie Williams & Jonathon Wilkes

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Missing The Dog Days of Summer

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability." 

summer swimming

  Maggie and I are feeling like the squirrels; we need to go collect the nuts. Acorns are on the ground. Not a good sign if we want to keep living those lazy, dog days of summer. The seasons are changing. Mother Nature is adjusting herself. There's a frenzy about outside. More cars & people are about back from vacations, kids are in school, and life is starting to hum around us at a little bit faster pace. 
"Wait a minute" Maggie and I scream. 
"We're not ready!" 
Maggie still has laps to swim, hot walks to take, flowers to smell.... Geez, just when we were feeling quite respectable with lazing around. Now we have to adjust to the cool mornings (button up), darker nights (we can't see), and getting back to the cozy days of winter (cuddle up). We know it's Fall first, winter second, but we're in the practice mode. Like the squirrels collecting the acorns. Winter is coming!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

From The Throne of She Who Rules

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Loving one who loves you
Nice work if you can get it

And you can get it -- if you try
Who could ask for anything more?"

Maggie at work
  Today I thought about how Maggie curls up in her cozy bed when I'm at my desk. Her bed (or throne) is right next to my desk. I thought of the old  George & Ira Gershwin tune "Nice Work If You Can Get It". Catchy tune. It's a musical playing now on Broadway with Matthew Broderick & Kelli O'Hara. Maggie positioned from her throne of comfort knows she rules in slumber. Lovingly loyal she also knows who loves her. Still, Maggie rules the roost. Loving the one who loves you-yes, it's nice work if you can get it. Who could ask for anything more?
She Who Rules
Maggie and I like the tune sung on YouTube by Frank Sinatra & Peggy Lee. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Moment: Ahhh

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:

"I love dogs. They live in the moment and don't care about anything except affection and food. They're loyal and happy..."

Maggie bliss

  I love this photo of Maggie. I love my dog Maggie's velvety coat, sweet face, and her cute Marilyn Monroe-ish beauty mark on her face. All of it makes me go "Ahhh". She's my bliss. I am her bliss too. The exception being perhaps her food and her favorite toys might take a higher ranking in her "ahhh" factor. 
Happy Monday! Ahhh....

Sunday, August 26, 2012

She Who Rules

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness."

Her Highness Maggie

   Maggie rules the roost around here. She's not afraid to take risks and find flops. She forges on. There's greatness under those four paws. Very Queenly of her I think. She's regal, she's royal, she's adventurous, and when her day is done she rests on her throne. She rules the kingdom in our house with her licks of kisses of kindness, a willingness to forge out into the dark morning for walks or to find that thrown ball. I pay homage to her. She who rules. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Caught In The Act

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"You can observe a lot by just watching."

Maggie's turtle watching position

  The other week I wrote about how Maggie early in the morning likes to go lay on her favorite towel and watch our turtles. Today while I was waiting for the laptop to boot up I was watching Maggie from my chair. I decided to go see what was happening in the Maggie corner of the world. To my surprise the turtles Tui & Timmy were watching her! They had come over from the opposite side of the tank to check her out. My next funny realization was that I was watching all of them! Full circle here. Who's watching who? We all observed a lot from just simply watching each other. Caught in the act!
Tui & Timmy watching Maggie

Friday, August 24, 2012

Cajun Tails: See Ya Later Alligator

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Born On The Bayou."


  Maggie's favorite tail from our trip is when we went down the swamp in one of the bayou's of southern Louisiana. She was all ears. There's a dog in the story. I proceeded to tell her that a tour of Louisiana isn't complete without a swamp tour. We went on the Honey Islands Swamp Tour. I highly recommend this company for their native guides' professionalism, bayou knowledge, and friendliness. As we traversed down the swamp I was enchanted with everything. Dragonflies guided the swamp boat around the bayou. Alligators were everywhere. The air on the bayou felt cooler. The Cajun air conditioning kicks in when the boat goes full power. We saw many Snowy Egrets along the shores or flying across the water. Beautiful.
Snowy Egret
Maggie recognized this bird. We have one in our neighborhood in California. One Snowy Egret to the many found in Louisiana. Along the swamp's shores are many "camps". Camps are places for locals to hang out, fish, hunt, or just be. Some camps are fancier than others, but they all do the same thing; mostly temporarily house folks & their pets. Some camps are permanent places. We came across a dog ready to roll. He was on the boat waiting to head out and feel the fresh air on his face. "Cajun air conditioning." Being born on the bayou is a different lifestyle. We loved every second we were there in the swamp lands. We intend to go back. Great folks and critters down there all born on the bayou.
We call this dog "Snowy"
See ya later alligator...

Maggie is ready to play some ball. Then we'll go on our walk and find our own local Snowy Egret....
squeaky red ball day


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cajun Tails: Cats About Town

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him." 

  Strolling through New Orleans there are quite a few cats about the town. Jazz cats, royal cats or window cats. Maggie inquisitively asked me if this was true. My reply was yes indeed. On Royal Street by the hotel we stayed at, Hotel Monteleone in the French Quarter, one art gallery had a beautiful cat just sitting there watching the people go by. He or she looked like a fine piece of art beneath the shop's sign. If people fawned over this cat it remained regal like its namesake street: Royal. 
Cat on Royal Street, French Quarter, New Orleans

I like cats. Maggie does too. I told her about another shop in the French Quarter called Louisiana Loom Works. Although their Yelp review states they have 7 or 8 cats in the shop we only saw 3 through the shop's window. All were sleeping. It was night time after all. The cat in the window acknowledged me and then proceeded to go back to sleep. Pretty kitty. New Orleans has the coolest cats. Each cat exhibits their own "cool" demeanor in their own way. 
Louisiana Loom Works cat #1
Maggie especially liked the cat in the window. It reminded her of her cat friend Gabby. This is a cool cat from California. Maggie's neck of the woods. Maggie can worship me or her tennis ball all she wants. When we want "cool", we can check out the cats who ignore us. This helps us keep our perspective of who's really important. Maggie and I decided that inside cats worship us, but they just keep it to themselves, while dogs can't keep a secret as they slobber all over you.
Gabby cat exhibiting her "cool"

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cajun Tails: City Dogs

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive." 

"Pushkin" dines with his humans at Royal House, New Orleans

  The one thing I feel most joyful about after returning from our New Orleans & southern Louisiana trip is being back with Maggie again. The way she attaches to me like velcro is a wonderful feeling. I love petting her or throwing the tennis ball again as she repeatedly bugs me while I type our blog. It's a wonderful nuisance. Meanwhile, Maggie wanted to know about the dogs from Louisiana. I told her there are too many tails to tell so, how about a sampling? Woof Woof! When my daughter and I dined at Royal House in the French Quarter of New Orleans a couple with cutest dog sat by our table. 

You see, Royal House is pet friendly. They opened the outside shutter door of their French Quarter restaurant to accommodate Pushkin and his family. This small dog was the most well-behaved dog. People continually walked by the restaurant and he never barked. We were told by his owner that his name is Pushkin. He was named after the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. Pushkin is a 5 year old dog mix of Italian Greyhound, Terrier and Chihuahua. He was adopted from a shelter in San Francisco, CA. Our home turf! Pushkin laid at his owner's feet during dinner. His water was in a styroform take-out container right next to him. By the way, the food at  Royal House  is delicious! That's another story....
In the city of New Orleans we saw many dogs walking about, sitting or pulling their owners on a skateboard! One art gallery in the French Quarter called Rodrigue Studio New Orleans was all about the Blue Dog. This display in the art gallery window rotates into different primary colored dogs; blue, yellow, and red.
Maggie likes hearing about the city dogs of the French Quarter, but now it's time to play tennis ball.... OK MaggieMoose-let's step alive and play ball!
Maggie patiently waits

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cajun Tails: A Horse Of Course

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"A horse is a horse, of course, of course...."

Carriage Mules

  Maggie loves horses so, I had to tell her about the horses in New Orleans. They're not really horses though, they are mules. At least the carriages we saw. The mules pull the carriages for the horse drawn carriage rides. At first glance they look like horses, but they're not. They are mighty. They work very hard in hot & humid conditions pulling tourists around the French Quarter. Some of the rigs are very beautiful along with their animals. The horse ties around town are works of art.
Horse tie

We were transported back in time through the architecture of the buildings in the French Quarter or from the horse ties. A carriage ride seems the norm here. I assured Maggie that lots of dogs are walking about too. Dogs are well represented in New Orleans, but that's another tail. Maggie's all ears.... Meanwhile, back to our story, I told Maggie to remember  a horse is a horse of course of course, unless it's a mule. Maggie doesn't mind if they're a horse or a mule. She's happy I'm back home where our morning walks together are cool!
Mule drawn carriages

Monday, August 20, 2012

Cajun Tails: All That Jazz

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"What we play is life."

Landing in the Louis Armstrong Airport (MSY)

  We arrived home from our trip to New Orleans and other southern LA parts. I decided to tell Maggie some bedtime tails from Cajun land. It all started from the first landing in the Louis Armstrong Airport. Everything was bold and musically vibrant in color. The life size statue of Louis Armstrong prominently stood in front of the mural painting of all the jazz greats. I shared with Maggie that when we walked outside into the humidity that was the first shock we had. It was so hot and muggy at night for us Californians use to things cooling off at night. Maggie might find it hot too since she likes our cool morning walks, but Maggie insisted she likes trying new things. OK, maybe next time girl.... Anyway, we left the airport to go to the French Quarter. Here the music was played everywhere in the streets both night and day. They have the famous jazz establishments, but what struck me most was music from the street musicians. They were so good that I questioned if the music was from a recording. No, it's not-it's live. Incredible talent scattered over many streets. All amazing. We heard a song from Porgy & Bess playing. The hot muggy night seemed perfectly fit. Musical tails floating in the air telling of everyone's lives. Maggie loves all that jazz. It is what she wakes up to. It's what we went to bed to in the French Quarter. Love N'awlins. Night Maggie.

French Quarter-Jackson Square musicians

Bedtime for Maggie

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Vacation Time with Laughter Across The Miles

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
Laughter is an instant vacation."

Maggie's green gator

  Today I head out to New Orleans. Maggie will be on her own "doggy" vacation with some animal buddies coming over. A Golden Retriever and a Yorkie mix. They're coming to play and go do fun things with Maggie while I'm gone. Maggie tells me she'll be unavailable by email, but I'll be checking in. I will be posting some fun stuff from the New Orleans, LA area. French Quarter first stop. Honey Island Swamp won't be missed either. I'll be traveling with my college graduate daughter. I haven't spent much time with her these past 4 years while she was away back East. It is going to be great to have the special time together. I know Maggie is in great hands when I leave. She and I will be laughing across the miles. We know how to vacation even if apart. While I'm gone I'll be doing some "gator" research for the MaggieMooseTracks' children's book series. Maggie likes that. She loves her gators & loves to share her adventures. See ya soon MaggieMoose!

Woof Woof says MaggieMoose! 

Monday, August 13, 2012

MaggieMoose Pawsing For Turtles

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact."

Timmy on Tui

  Maggie's routine in the morning is she first goes outside. She comes back in and eats. Then she goes to where our turtles Timmy & Tui are kept in their tank. We have two red-eared slider turtles. One (Tui, the biggest one) is a rescue and the other one Timmy we've have since he was little-now big. Anyway, Maggie lays there and just watches the turtles. She has a towel on the floor by them that she likes. She lays on it and begins her observation. The room is only lit by the light from the turtle tank. After she is done watching the turtles she comes by me and starts the "laying of the toys" around my chair. Or perhaps bugging me to throw the ball for her. It is interesting to me how Maggie likes her private time to watch the turtles. I guess we all need a little "quiet time" to start our day. Life is definitely worth living around here. Maggie, Timmy, and Tui all agree too.
Maggie caught in the act of watching Tui & Timmy

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Simple Sunday Slumber

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is a nobler art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials."

Maggie freckle paws

  On my bed I have big fleeces in green or pink colors for Maggie to lay on. It's for her and I to relax and snuggle up. She sprawls across my legs and slowly drifts off into slumber land. Maggie sleeps in her crate, but on Sunday mornings Maggie likes to catch some zzzzzzzz's with me after her brisk walk. I can read or surf on the iPad or watch a special TV show. Maggie's body starts to mold to mine the more she relaxes. Sometimes we need to leave things be and let them be undone. We like it this way. Letting the world go by while we savor each moment together having our Sunday slumber. Whether Maggie's a dog, a moose or both, she is this girl's best friend.

Maggie snuggled up on me not wanting to move

Friday, August 10, 2012

We'll Have It With Sunshine

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."

Maggie's toys she so neatly arranged behind me

  As I typed on my laptop I took a break to go refresh my coffee. I looked down and pawsed. I saw two elk antlers, one plastic football, one big Nylabone, a rope toy shaped like a dog, Toy Story's Woody & Buzz Lightyear's face on a bouncing ball, and one industrial strength frisbee. No Maggie. I pondered life without Maggie. It is a concept for me akin to a day without sunshine. Night. Being my reflective self I had to capture the moment by photographing Maggie's toys. No sooner had I taken one photo shot when I turned and got a MaggieMoose surprise. She had put herself smack dab in the middle of her toys. Almost as if saying to me "mine". Yes, life with Maggie is full of sunshine. Art Linkletter use to have a TV show called "Kids Say The Darndest Things". In our home Maggie does the darndest things! It is always a day full of sunshine around here. Everyone should have a MaggieMoose loose in their frowns possible.
My toys.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

MaggieMoose Bliss in the Great Outdoors

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Another thing I like to do is sit back and take in nature. To look at the birds, listen to their singing, go hiking, camping and jogging and running, walking along the beach, playing games and sometimes being alone with the great outdoors. It's very special to me."

Maggie 8/8/12

  Maggie and I can have fun anywhere, but when we are outdoors together we seem to find the most joy. Oops, Maggie reminds me of playing "throw the tennis ball" a million times. It is on the top of the list too. As I was saying.... Our walks are somewhere between leisurely and power walking. We might even sprint a bit now and then. When the red tailed hawk flies ten feet above us in hot pursuit of its prey- that's magic. We then bow down and feel very privileged to Mother Nature. The red tailed hawk knows us. We see him or her just about everyday on our walks. He keeps his distance. Maggie and I are planning our next play adventure. We're going to the beach. The car is ready for the sand. Maggie is ready too. Proof is that as I write this Maggie comes running up with her play beach towel and lays down at my feet. Maggie is this a hint? Yes, the great outdoors is very special to us. We like those moments of feeling the MaggieMoose bliss in the fresh air.

Maggie and play towel

Oh, oh, I wonder if she'll want to bring all those beachy driftwood twigs home? 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

MaggieMoose Inside Outside Meditation

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."

Inside view looking out
Outside view looking in

  Maggie likes to watch bugs. Sometimes she tries to catch them and she succeeds. Yikes! I discourage her "bug catching", because she gets enough protein in her food. Besides, now we have some yellow jackets and wasps hovering outside. Dangerous Maggie! Skull & Crossbones here! Maggie and me were thinking about the whole inside/outside meditation. We agree that outside of a dog, books are man's or woman's best friend. We also agree that inside of a dog, it is too dark to read. Maggie thinks she'll keep watching bugs and forget the whole inside/outside thing. Unless, she has to go outside to find some twigs to bring inside.

"Maggie, I can't see a thing. 
Oh wait, there's your tongue."

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Free Bird Juri "Because I Can"

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand." 

Meeting Galvin: Juri's service dog

Galvin looking attentively (with love) at Juri

  It is Tuesday. Love day. Once in awhile we get to experience something really incredible. The gift of the human spirit in action. This happened to me when I met Juri and her service dog Galvin. I'm sorry MaggieMoose missed out. It's ok, I told her all about it this wonderful meeting of spirits when I got home. Last week when my daughter and I went to Cafe Borrone I met a contented Golden Lab dog named Galvin. He was laying at his master's feet. Her name is Juri. Bubbly and friendly are two words to describe Juri. I loved meeting her and of course Galvin. Her service dog Galvin kind of liked me too. Galvin is Juri's Canine Companion for Independence. She received Galvin from the wonderful group: Canine Companions for Independence in Santa Rosa, CA. You see, Juri has Lou Gehrig's disease otherwise known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS. This is a debilitating disease made easier with someone special like Galvin. He's more than a one trick pony. Don't let Galvin's young age of three years old fool you. Galvin hands out Juri's credit card for purchases (she loves to shop), he opens the refrigerator (thirsty?), picks up dropped items (oops), helps with the elevator (which floor?) and so much more. I loved Galvin from the first meeting of our souls. He wanted to check me out too. I think he smelled MaggieMoose on me.
Galvin closeup
Juri captured my heart. She is so enthusiastic. I call Juri a Free Bird like the song from Lynyrd Skynyrd. Not only does her spirit soar high up above the clouds, but her body does too. Juri sky dived to raise money for a cure for ALS. When Juri is down here on the ground Galvin helps her soar like the free bird she is. I think Juri plays the cards dealt her very well indeed. I witnessed this in action due to her attitude of "Because I can." 

Juri & Galvin

Juri & Galvin as we bid them farewell for now

SEE Juri sky dive on YouTube: Skydiving For Young Faces Of ALS

READ about Juri & Galvin in THE NUGGET

MaggieMoose gives Juri & Galvin a very big WOOF WOOF for all that's good in life!