Thursday, August 2, 2012

A MaggieMoose Moment. Lucky Us!

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Nothing is worth more than this day." 

Maggie plopped on me getting her lovin'

  In the morning while coffee is brewing or before doing anything Maggie and I have a moment of loving. We forget the world and just be with each other. I rub her belly, her head, her legs (she especially likes the leg rubs). She grumbles softly like a cat purring. I can tell she feels really good. It works for me too. I feel so loved loving on Maggie. The sensory tactile impulses send loving vibes back and forth like a super highway. It reminds me of how important it is for us to STOP the world for our special moments together. The coffee can wait as can other busy activities. Nothing is worth more than this day in this moment sharing our caring for each other. Love is like that. It needs to be fed daily. Once the love fest is done it's business as usual. Maggie runs wiggling her wiggle butt and peruses the toy bin with enthusiasm. Before I can get up the green gator is back. It's on top of me with Maggie sharing her love. A MaggieMoose moment. Lucky us!
Maggie and green gator on me

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