Monday, August 13, 2012

MaggieMoose Pawsing For Turtles

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact."

Timmy on Tui

  Maggie's routine in the morning is she first goes outside. She comes back in and eats. Then she goes to where our turtles Timmy & Tui are kept in their tank. We have two red-eared slider turtles. One (Tui, the biggest one) is a rescue and the other one Timmy we've have since he was little-now big. Anyway, Maggie lays there and just watches the turtles. She has a towel on the floor by them that she likes. She lays on it and begins her observation. The room is only lit by the light from the turtle tank. After she is done watching the turtles she comes by me and starts the "laying of the toys" around my chair. Or perhaps bugging me to throw the ball for her. It is interesting to me how Maggie likes her private time to watch the turtles. I guess we all need a little "quiet time" to start our day. Life is definitely worth living around here. Maggie, Timmy, and Tui all agree too.
Maggie caught in the act of watching Tui & Timmy

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