Friday, September 21, 2012

Sunshine of Aspirations

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."

"Sunny"- a little girl pup from Maggie's mom Ginger

  The sun is shining on new sweet life. Awhile ago Maggie's mom Ginger had puppies (English Springer Spaniel). Such promises of pawsabilities await these puppies or any dog waiting for their loving home. Back when Maggie was a puppy I believed Maggie had such aspirations. It came true. Today Maggie has a huggability level off the Richter scale. As a young pup she was like a plant who needed watering. I watered her daily with love. She sprouted into the biggest sunflower sharing her inner and outer beauty with all. I'm reminded as I look at the puppy Sunny that it all began far away in the sunshine of aspirations. We believed and followed our aspirations where they led us. Maggie and I are still looking up and following them. It's the same for the littlest ray of sunshine from Maggie's mom. It's true for a dog like B who was adopted from a shelter. Now B thrives with her shower of love back in Boston. The sky's the limit no matter where one starts. Just ask Maggie. 

Maggie lovin' the loving

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