Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Love In Bloom: A Dog Named "B"

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Rescuing an animal may not change the world, but for that animal, their world is changed forever."

"B" in Boston is living happily ever after with her humans

  About two months ago Maggie and I wrote about the importance of sharing one's love in Want Love? Add Dog. We showed photos of some dogs that had been adopted by people we know. One of the dogs at the time was Liberty aka Libby and finally just "B". She's a pit bull mix. Well, the update on B is that she's very happy. Her life of wondering the streets alone in her old Dorchester, Boston neighborhood are over. She has a warm bed every night with plenty of toys & food. She takes wonderful walks around Boston.... 
"Wait" Maggie says. 
"What's the most important thing in B's life?" 
Oh that's right.... B thinks L-O-V-E is the most important ingredient she receives from her humans. Her humans think it's all the love they receive back from B the "beautiful" dog. It's a WIN WIN or as Maggie says it's a WOOF WOOF! 
Happy Tails B!

Maggie's favorite flower "pink hibiscus"

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