Wednesday, January 30, 2013

MaggieMoose: Temptation At Knotty Oak

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places."

  Maggie and I walk by many oak trees. One oak tree in particular is a haven for small black squirrels and gray squirrels. We can see why. The ground below this oak is littered with a plethora of acorns. If I'm daydreaming as we walk my attention is quickly alerted by Maggie. She instantly changes her body language. Oh ya Maggie, squirrels ahead. We have worked through the "squirrel thing" to get her to calm down, relax, no need to chase and so forth. It's tempting seeing those squirrels. I think Maggie's obsession has transferred to me. Now I tense up for different reasons.

I have been trying to get the perfect photo of a black squirrel with my iPhone. I know, it's probably impossible, but Maggie and I don't know the word impossible. We do have tons of attempted squirrel photos. It's become a daily ritual on our walk to try one more time. When we hit this patch of acorns beneath the knotty oak we prepare for the shot. 

Maggie stays close to my side. We tip toe in slow motion trying to get close enough for a great shot. Maybe a non-blurred one? We park beneath this mighty oak as the squirrels run up the tree through the branches and leap to the other oak trees. Thoughts pound in my head seriously squirrel, can't ya just sit still once? Heavens no. The squirrel looks back at Maggie and I with the look of catch me if you can.... Maggie, we've done it again. We've parked at tempting parking places. We will attain success! Maybe not today.... WOOF WOOF

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