Monday, January 14, 2013

Happiness: Spa Day & Canine Conversation

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"True happiness arises, in the first place, from the enjoyment of one's self, and in the next, from the friendship and conversation of a few select companions."

  The other day Maggie had her mani/pedi. No polish for her, just a nice filing and cuticle removal. Oo la la, this mani/pedi came complete with a scrub-a-dub of aloe & oatmeal shampoo. She loves getting a bath, having her nails done and chatting it up with her canine friends. Spa day! When I went to pick Maggie up one of her friends, the Golden Retriever dog was relaxing under the dryers. Some dogs shiver and shake when they enter the dog grooming building. They are usually the smaller dogs, but not always. The big dogs just prance in like they own the place. The look on their faces shows me they aren't bothered. Who cares if they're left for a few hours while getting fussed & gussied up? Maggie tells all. This pack of dogs chilling underneath the dryers or in the tubs are there to catch up with each others' lives. It's like a secret canine society us humans are clueless about. The password for entrance is WOOF WOOF. It's a different kind of day for canines who otherwise wouldn't get to see each other. When I come home after dropping Maggie off the house feels empty. I do things previously left undone and run errands. Before I know it, it's time to go get Maggie. Her groomer brings her out. She's all wiggles & giggles. I read her mind. Let's go! I want my treat! I'm handed the baton treat. We're off. Another fine day spent with a few select canine companions. It makes for a happy MaggieMoose girl.

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