Friday, January 11, 2013

MaggieMoose Enters The Pet Blogger Challenge

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Life is an exciting business, and most exciting when it is lived for others."

  Late yesterday Maggie and I came across the Third Annual Pet Blogger Challenge. The due date mentioned was Jan. 10th. We were too late for that date since Maggie was out on a twig exploration. We read the fine print of this pet challenge and realized we still had time to enter. The format for the Pet Blogger Challenge is a question and answer one. As we understand it, the goal is for other bloggers and readers to get to know what your blog is about. I discussed it with Maggie and she's game to answer the big nine questions. 

MaggieMooseTracks is #99 on the BLOG ROLL that follows this posting. Here we go:

1. When did you begin your blog? 

On February 7, 2012, we began our MaggieMooseTracks Wordpress blog. It's almost a year ago. This date was a good friend's mom's birthday. We thought it was a fortuitous date. We were right. WOOF WOOF

2. What was your original purpose for starting a blog?

Maggie and I are all about living life with moose size pawsabilities. Anyone check her paws? We wanted to share our pawsability living with one moose size pawsability thought at a time. It's all about sharing pawsitive news and eliminating the negative, just like the old song Accentuate The Positive.... and latching onto the affirmative-don't mess with Mr. InBetween. Spread some MaggieMoose JOY! 

3. Is your current purpose the same? If so, how do you feel you’ve met your goals? 

The purpose of MaggieMooseTracks remains the same of spreading joy with moose size pawsabilities-life without limits. On January 1, 2013, the tally of worldwide countries reached one pawsability thought at a time was 78 countries on 6 continents! We are thrilled! A big WOOF WOOF from Maggie. Our goals are almost met for our initial start of having a global presence. There is still room for growth. We would like Antarctica to become our Followers & Likers in order to complete our global outreach of 7 continents. Of course, we want to continue to spread the MaggieMoose joy to many more countries. Our MaggieMooseTracks link is FREE, pass it on.

One moment of paws. 

Maggie & I want to thank our many fellow bloggers and friends who made this all pawsable for us. All of our blogger awards or accolades are so appreciated. If we can bring one big MaggieMoose smile or two to another soul, our hearts sing with joy. We are humbled. We are grateful. Thank you all.

4. How often do you post?

Maggie thinks this is a good question. We use to post 7 days a week, excluding personal vacation time. Maggie wanted us to cut back to a Monday through Friday schedule. Recently, I obliged Maggie in order for us to share off camera personal time together. While on vacation we might tweet or give a shout out on our MaggieMooseTracks Twitter account, our Mari Maggie MooseTracks Facebook friend account (it's Public), or on our MaggieMooseTracks Facebook page.

5. Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you? If you publish on a schedule, why? How strict are you about your publishing deadlines? What do you do for inspiration when it feels like you’ve covered every topic? If you don’t publish on a schedule, why? How do you think your decision affects your audience? How do you know when a topic is “post-worthy?”

Whoa, rapid fire questions.... Our loose format is to blog Monday through Friday, because our followers want to know the latest zany antics of MaggieMoose and her friends. Our inspiration comes from "waking up" or our "out & about" adventuring. Maggie supplies me with plenty of material. Ask her friends. MaggieMooseTracks is never dull. Hopefully, after one reads our blog they leave with a smile or two....and tell their friends.

6. How much time do you spend writing your blog per week? How much time visiting other blogs? Share your tips for staying on top of it all.

Maggie and I spend the amount of time needed to write our moose size pawsabilities one moose size thought at a time. We don't watch the clock. We wake up with the roosters and just write. Or we might write the night before posting. We just follow our bliss and get lost in the process.... For us, the best part of our blog is we aren't claiming to be experts on anything, including ourselves. Since we come from this stance, it frees up our creativity and flow. Blogging without limits or maybe even without correct grammar! 

7. How do you measure the success of a post and of your blog in general (comments, shares, traffic)? Do you look strictly at the numbers, or do you have a way of assessing the quality of those interactions?

We measure the success of our blog postings by first, how we feel about what we've written and then second, by the comments received from our wonderful Followers or folks who give us plenty of Likes. It gets us excited realizing that our MaggieMooseTracks blog has been read in 78 countries and is growing daily. In that aspect, numbers are great, but we aren't ruled by them! We are ruled by our hearts. 

8. If you could ask the pet blogging community for help with one issue you’re having with your blog, what would it be?

We would ask the pet blogging community to come visit us at MaggieMooseTracks. We would like more Followers & Likes. WOOF WOOF

P.S. We don't know all the techy blog questions or answers of blogging technology so, hopefully we can pull this pet challenge off! Please forgive us if our paws get in the way.

9. What goals do you have for your blog in 2013?

Our goals for MaggieMooseTracks in 2013, are a continuing worldwide presence. Love, caring, and sharing are universal concepts. Maggie and I believe the world likes living life with moose size pawsabilities-without limits. We're here to share one moose size pawsability thought at a time. We have a target date of Feb. 2013, to shift our Wordpress blog format onto our web page at Our web page is currently being redesigned by a professional. We realized our shortcomings as web page techies so, we'll leave it to the web pros. COME SEE US! Again, thanks to all who see and believe in our pawsitive value. 

We believe life is exciting. It's more exciting sharing it with others!

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