Friday, February 24, 2012

Shivering Snakes....tomato tomahto

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightening and a lightening bug."
baby rattlesnake

  The song that comes to mind is Let's Call The Whole Thing Off by George and Ira Gershwin. Shivering snakes...tomato tomahto; a snake crossed our path. Maggie and I paused out of range to let this creature cross our path. iPhone intact; I took some photos. In hindsight, maybe not the brightest idea of mine since I thought it was a harmless garden snake. 

What do I know? 

Lightening or lightening bug? It took a suggested text from my offspring "might be a rattlesnake." Holy lightening! My favorite mentor Google to the rescue. Jumpin' jehosafats! It is was a baby rattlesnake. Although a baby rattlenake, I've since learned baby rattlesnakes do bite, they do have venom from birth (uncontrolled amount of venom), and they don't have the usual warning rattle sound like the adults. DANGER DANGER. I say to Maggie; let's call the whole thing off! 

coiled baby rattlesnake

*No creature was harmed from taking these photos. iPhone zoom setting used.

Maggie and Me

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