Friday, February 3, 2012

Standing Up

Maggie's Pawsability Thought for the day:
"Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins." American Indian Proverb

  I grew up with the American Indian teaching about not judging others. I can hear my dad's voice telling me the quote about walking a mile in someone else's moccasins before casting judgement. Ethics first, what is right and just? My dad is no longer with me, but his teachings remain steadfast. As Maggie's guardian I must pass these teachings onto her. I grew up with the belief system that you have to stand up for others when they can't stand up for themselves. This morning I read some disturbing politically based news that affects women's healthcare financing. As a healthcare professional for many years, I felt outraged. I know Maggie shares my sentiments, because she treats all equally when she shares her kindness & love. Imagine, if one day she is working as an animal-therapy dog: would she withhold her kindness, because of someone's political beliefs? Absolutely not. Today I did what was required; I wrote my politicians, and I wrote the organization responsible for my dismay. I had to stick up for the underdog, because my parents raised me this way, as I will raise Maggie too. Stand up for the underdog after careful consideration of what's fair. It's the ethical thing to do.

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