Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Blue Skies Smiling

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. 
That's why we call it the present.

local daffodils

  Walking in the sunshine with Maggie I stepped lively to the song in my head playing from Ella; Blue Skies. Flowers were bursting out everywhere. The sun was so bright I had my sunglasses on. Fresh temperate air filled our lungs. Excitement in the air. Not too warm and not too cold; I felt like Goldilocks; it was a perfect day out with Maggie. All the flowers seemed to have popped out all at once. I swear I didn't see them yesterday. Maggie and I absorbed all of nature's gifts in that present moment. Blue skies smiled on us while we walked. The moment we came indoors it clouded up, no sunglasses needed. WOW, we were blessed living in the present moment when we went for our walk. Sing it Ella! 
Maggie checks out the first Blue Lupin

* Please view The Life of Flowers

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