Sunday, February 5, 2012

Whether You Get Up

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up." 

  It's Superbowl Sunday! Vince Lombardi's many, powerful words for living life resonant for me today. Maggie and I like his quote about getting up again after getting knocked down. Fortitude. Perseverance. Yesterday the winds were knocked out of my sails as I tried to bring a new project to fruition. Knocked down. The trickle effect rolled over to Maggie. I wasn't the happy go lucky person I usually am. Opposite. Frustrated, and up in arms! I asked myself what would Coach Lombardi say? Get up! So, like Maggie gets up again when she doesn't quite reach the mark in her training, I got up. Success was achieved. Coach Lombardi, a fond thank you from Maggie & I! 

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