Friday, February 1, 2013

MaggieMoose: Smelling The Pink Roses

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."

  It's no secret that Maggie and I love pink. It's our favorite color, especially in nature. We find pink to be a happy and cheerful color filled with vitality. Well, our weather here has been in the 20's to 30s F. Not exactly our typical 50's F winter weather. The lawns have suffered. Their color is a sad yellow-brown. This is quite a change from their typical and beautiful lush green. A couple of weeks ago the poor rose bushes were really battered with the freezing temperatures. On this special day we turned the corner on our walk. The rose bush that was woe begone just two weeks ago had some pink blooms calling for our attention. Over here it seemed to whisper. Maggie and I walked up closer. Oh my gosh, these roses survived the odds. They came through the freezing weather looking so beautiful. Maggie and I stopped to smell the roses. Nature gave strength to our body & soul. We walked away from the pink roses with a spring in our step and a smile on our faces. We looked back at the pink roses with gratitude.

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