Thursday, February 7, 2013

MaggieMoose: Oops, I Did It Again!

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:

"Oops! ...I Did It Again"
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 
I think I did it again....
You see my problem is this
I'm dreaming away....

  Maggie is off in dream land. She's dreaming of worldwide affection for her cuteness and ability to model like a rock star.... Personally, I think she's hard to resist. Her cute factor, sweetness factor, funny factor, and she looks good in pink factor are way up there. Oops, she's done it again! She entered another photography contest. This contest is from Rodposse Photography. This contest isn't about raising money for pet charities. It's all about having the best photo of your pet or an animal. Maggie is listed either as #25 under Mari Campbell (25th Challenger – Happy Bday) at this link: OR at this link erroneously labeled #24:              
Maggie and I decided to submit her 2nd birthday photo from Jan 22nd. She's very proud of her posing ability. It's her hobby pretending to live the glamorous life in between an outdoor girl chewing twigs (the moose side of the family). I told Maggie she's a little bit country and a little bit rock-in-roll like the ole' Osmond siblings Marie & Donny. Maggie replied back to me.... yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah and breaks out in song Oops I did it again while her wiggle butt starts dancing.... Funny thing is I remember Maggie's human siblings singing this very same Britney Spears' song while doing karaoke challenges in summer sports camp. I think one of my girls won that challenge. Some things never change!
Will ya have a vote for the dear girl Maggie?

Want some more fun? How about a flashback of the famous song? 
CLICK YOUTUBE: Britney Spears "Oops, I Did It Again?"  

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