Friday, February 8, 2013

MaggieMoose: The Orange Ball Caper

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself."

  It all started with the rumblings from the other room. I'm busy doing non-MaggieMoose stuff. The noise was reminiscent of Maggie throwing her toys out of her toy box. I know she's seeking that one special toy. I continued on doing my own thing. Suddenly, there she is, the orange ball is in her mouth. Maggie looks at me longer than comfortable as if it's suppose to mean something. The next thing I know she's on her Scooby Doo towel. I think, oh OK. I continue on.

Before I can say BOO Maggie has moved to the couch. Oh no. Darn her. I know what she did. I didn't pay attention to that orange ball in her mouth and now it's under the couch. This means I have to get up off my chair and retrieve that dang ball. This is Maggie 101: How to Get Attention. Quietly roll the ball under the couch so, the human has to get up and get it. I've played this game many times. It's Maggie's personal favorite game when people come to visit.

OK, I'm here Maggie. I get on the floor and look under the couch. SURPRISE. Orange ball. I retrieve. Maybe I was a Golden Retriever in another life? Except my tail isn't wagging in this life.

I give Maggie the ball back by throwing it down the hallway. OK, she's happy I threw the ball. Maggie saunters back with the ball in her mouth. I turn away for a quick moment. I look back. Oh no. Her look tells me she's put that dang orange ball under the footstool. It didn't roll by itself. I know my Maggie. She's behind this caper, this orange ball caper. 

Heavens to Betsy. Maggie me thinks, you're genius, you could do your own advertising campaign. Want Attention? Add Maggie. Maggie got her little play time with reluctant me. Life is funny how paying attention to one thing can give it so much magnificence it becomes a world unto itself. Life's a BALL! Maggie goes back to Scooby Doo, her elk antlers, and her twig toy with the orange ball laying still in front her. Visible to the world of MaggieMoose.

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