Sunday, April 29, 2012

Open Wide and Say Aww

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls."

Maggie opens wide and says Aww-when she sees cute puppies....

  When I saw Maggie as a puppy I said Aww.... So, I followed my bliss and Maggie became a family member. The universe has and continues to open many doors with my dog Maggie beside me.... Pure bliss!


Both of these cuties have the same loving parents as Maggie: Ginger & Zack. 
Click on their names to see more incredibly cute photos! 
I know you'll open wide and say Awwww......pure bliss!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Maggie: P.S. I Love You

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives."

 clouds holding the rain

  When I got off work yesterday I looked up at the sky. The clouds were like one big giant sponge filled with rain drops waiting to be squeezed out. I hurried home with a sense of urgency to walk Maggie, and go on some errands with her. Maggie is such a love sponge. I wanted to share her special MaggieMoose-ness with the folks in the pet store. Her cuteness gets her far, but it's the love oozing out of her that seals the deal with people. We went on our walk-no rain. We went to the pet store-no rain. While I'm at the pet store counter busy with the clerk a well dressed man in business attire came up to me stating how beautiful Maggie was. He asked if he could pet her? My answer was "....but,  of course!" I finished my transactions with the clerk. I turned around to get Maggie to heel and walk out of the store. To my surprise the man was on the floor of the store in his business clothes affectionately petting Maggie. She was sprawled out as if she was on our living room floor soaking up his affections while pouring out her love for him too. It was like a beautiful love song sung by Mel Torme. A pure velvet fog of loving embrace. Yes Maggie, p.s. I love you.....and others do too! Those big clouds might have squeezed those raindrops out once we got home, but during that magical time in the pet store it was raining love.
Maggie in the morning

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Changing Art of the Butterfly and Duck

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"If nothing ever changed there'd be no butterflies."
Author Unknown

photo by Morgan

  I love butterflies. Maggie thinks they're fun too. I received two wonderful photos created by Morgan; a 14 yr old with some amazing talent. I was excited seeing the creative genius come through her photos. Seeing what's not there is a gift. For Maggie and me we were humbled by the vision of what wasn't there, but now is....if nothing ever changed-there'd be no butterflies! 
photo by Morgan

Morgan: If your reading this-keep the sharing your visions. Your art is a joy to see! Maggie & I know you're gifted! Morgan, this blog is dedicated to you! 

PLAY: Butterfly Fly Away by Miley Cyrus


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day: Maggie Hugs A Tree

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"He that plants trees loves others besides himself."
Maggie hugs a tree

Happy Earth Day!
PLAY- Chasing The Sun by The Wanted

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me: April 21st

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new."

  I've found the best birthday presents are the ones that keep giving; like love from family and friends. And of course my bestie girl Maggie. For my birthday last year she was the present I gave myself. She keeps giving me her companionship, sweetness, zaniness, and love! Sometimes I think my birthday is hers too, but it's not. Happy Birthday to me Maggie!
Little Miss Maggie 2011

Maggie's wiggle-butt 2012 with my camera hands... 
Oh the joy! LOL

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Here's To Life with Wiggle-Butt

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Did you know...that when you walk past a flower, whether it be in
somebody's garden or on a vacant hillside, the flower will always smile at you. The most polite way to respond, I've been told, is to cheerfully return the smile."

Maggie's wiggle-butt

  Maggie has the cutest wiggle-butt. She shimmies and shakes it back and forth with an exuberant joy. It puts a BIG smile on my face. Life with wiggle-butt is the best. In the morning I toast with my orange juice to my dog Maggie; to life with her and for all our dreams. Our daily walks past all the flowers add to our joy. Flowers are smiling at us as we walk by or stop to smile back. I wink to life with wiggle-butt; that all that's good gets better as we stop to smile at all the flowers. PLAY: Here's To Life sung beautifully by Shirley Horn
smiling flowers on our walk

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Shining Star No Matter Who You Are

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don't worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest." 

Maggie in the dark- 1st morning of daylight savings time

  In the month of March when daylight savings time happened our morning walks suddenly turned very dark. The first time Maggie and I went outside to walk we were both in shock there wasn't any light. I took a photo of her to document the darkness. We adjusted our walking time for a little later to compensate for the lack of light. Lately, we've started walking earlier and earlier. Now the sun is out in its full regalia when we walk.  Back then, for awhile at least, Maggie and I were shining our starlight to see through the darkness....coming into the light of today. Like Earth Wind & Fire sing: " a shining star no matter who you are!" Woof! Woof! We agree!
 Maggie today

PLAY: Shining Star by Earth Wind & Fire

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

See Maggie Look

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift."
Albert Einstein
Maggie & me in our Subaru Forester

  On Sunday Maggie and I took a drive to sight see and run some errands. It was the second day the sun shone after weeks of cloudy and rainy days.We partially pulled back our sunroof. The sun roof in our Subaru Forester goes way back, almost the whole length of the passenger seating. Maggie loved looking all around while sunlight spilled all around both of us. We heard the birds singing while we breathed in the fresh spring air blowing about. It was a joyful Sunday drive celebrating our day of sunshine after many dark gloomy weather days. I felt like mama bear taking baby bear out of our winter den rumbling about on a fine spring day. Pure joy! 
Addendum: 4/15/12 was our first year anniversary together!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Today Is The Day

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."

Maggie rockin' her new summer cut!

  On Saturday Maggie got a new summer cut. Her first. When I picked her up and saw how beautiful she looked with her summer cut I was besides myself with glee. The owner Jimmy, of Raul's Grooming Center, told me "....your dog Maggie is the most loving dog. She's so full of love! She's so happy." Groucho Marx is right, we all have a choice for happiness each day no matter what circumstances we face. I believe Maggie chooses to be happy the moment she wakes up. It puts a smile on my face too. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Puzzling Mysteries

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
Our whole life is solving puzzles.

Maggie with puzzle

  When I was in the pet store picking up dog food and biscuits I saw some puzzler toys for dogs. I couldn't resist. Yes, I agreed with the packaging on the toy; Maggie needs some mental stimulation. This toy was a 3 in one puzzler. I hid the treats beneath the green cups. The goal was for Maggie to move the cups around to find the treats. Well, I either have a genius dog or this toy was too easy. BAM! She solved the puzzle STAT! 
Maggie with bone puzzle

Then I filled a different puzzle with treats to test her genius-ness further. BAM! She did it again! I choose to believe I have a genius dog. I told Maggie she was a genius. After all, kids grow up to what they think you believe they are capable of.... I believe Maggie can solve any of life's puzzling mysteries. I think I'll get her a Rubik's cube next....

Friday, April 13, 2012

Maggie Knows Best

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.

  There use to be a show on TV called Father Knows Best. The father in the show always had wise advise for his children. It was pure commonsense advise with a caveat of take it or leave it when you made your best decision. In our home we have a role reversal with my dog Maggie. I call it Maggie knows best. Somehow she always seems to know things. Like the other day when I didn't want to go on a walk, but Maggie's timing insisted we walk. I obeyed her and we went on our walk. Previous to her insistence it had been raining cats & dogs. I was prepared for the deluge. Surprisingly on our walk we only encountered a minute amount of sprinkles. Barely umbrella weather. Once we were home nice and dry the skies opened wide raining down elephants and zebras. Boy, was I glad I listened to Maggie! Or take the time when I must have been looking serious. She gave me those understanding eyes of hers. In her take it or leave it attitude of knowing what's best, she provided me with some levity. Her silly antics changed my mood instantly to one of fun & frivolity! Around here I give Maggie credit. Maggie knows best. When those special Maggie menu moments happen, I take it with a grin! 

PLAY: Theme from Father Knows Best (Don Ferris & Leon Pober)


Monday, April 9, 2012

Explore & Experiment

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."

Maggie exploring

  Today is Eadweard Muybridge's birthday. Born in 1872. He's famous for his horse in motion photography. There's a historical plaque in our neighborhood where we walk. That's where he filmed his horse in motion here on the farm. It's a reminder to experiment, experiment, and attempt the impossible!

Happy Birthday Eadweard!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Every Bunny Needs Some Bunny

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"In your Easter bonnet
with all the frills upon it,
you'll be the grandest lady
in the Easter Parade!"
Irving Berlin
Julie-left & Christy-right

  This Easter it's just Maggie & me. No playing of Irving Berlin's Easter Parade movie while the ham cooks. Today I'll be thinking of my family and especially my twin bunnies; Julie & Christy. They're miles away. I'll be remembering my family telling me my mashed potatoes & Easter ham are the best ever. I'll remember Easter baskets full of candy and colored eggs hidden everywhere. Yes Julie you always found them first! wink wink... I'll be remembering my girls in their Easter bonnets and finery parading about on Easter Sunday. The bright news is that this Easter Maggie & I won't be sharing the black jelly beans! More for us. he he... I will look forward to Easters in the future when the family is together again. I'll have hoppy visions of Maggie sniffing around in the kitchen smelling the ham cooking, and of my family oohing and awing over the food served on the Easter dinner table. 

Hoppy Easter to my family & friends!

Maggie- 7 weeks old
PLAY: Easter Parade sang by Judy Garland & Fred Astaire

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mon Ami Lived Hoppily Ever After

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:

My Friend,
my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend, my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness, with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,
throughout the years!

   Easter season reminds me of when my girls were young and we decided to get a bunny. We wanted a small floppy eared bunny. We did our research and scanned the ads (back then it was newspaper ads in print). The day we went to pick out our bunny we entered the seller's huge backyard. It was a plethora of bunnies roaming free everywhere. We picked out a cute black & white floppy eared boy bunny. We were promised this bunny's size was "small", not large like some of the other bunnies we saw hopping in the yard. We named him "Mon Ami"-my friend. We got the name from Agatha Christie's detective Hercule Poirot's favorite saying to his friend Hastings; mon ami. Long story short, our bunny grew into a very large bunny. Really big. He was so big that after a few years of having Mon Ami we decided to let him "roam free" on a farm with other bunnies. On the farm he chewed grass, ate bunny food, and lived a happy outdoor life. Today my Mon Ami is Miss MaggieMoose; a big beautiful girl who lives hoppily ever after with me! I think her ears are similar... he he 
Maggie at 15 weeks                                                                       

Friday, April 6, 2012

Flight of the Bumblebee

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.

bumblebee in poppy

  When I was walking Maggie the other day I was in awe of the burst of poppies in bloom along our path. I could smell the fragrance of all the flowers while the birds sang in the trees. Life was full of beauty all around us. It was special. As Maggie and I continued walking I saw a bumblebee in an orange colored poppy. I took a photo, but discovered the bumblebee had flown out of the orange poppy. I looked at the light yellow colored poppies next the the orange poppies and there it was! I've always thought bumblebees were special. On our walk I was lucky enough to catch a photo of this special bee. As a child I use to catch bumblebees and honeybees. In the bee family, the bumblebee was the most treasured prize. Maybe that's why I'm allergic to bees today. I've had one too may stings from catching bees. Back then, as a child, I was living life to the fullest catching bumblebees. I fought for every bee I caught. It was not easy to catch them. In my eyes, they were and still are extraordinary creatures. Luckily for me I now have Maggie for my beautifully prized treasure. No stings shared from Maggie, just her extraordinariness!
Maggie, poppies, lupins, and more...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Up Above A Star

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.

Star (AKA "Mama Dog")

 Last night Maggie and I heard of a friend's unexpected passing; Star or "Mama Dog" as she was affectionately known. She was a true friend to all and a helper for puppies that weren't her own. We will treasure her memory every time we look up to the sky and see the shining stars above. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Maggie Goes Banking

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain.

Maggie at Bank of the West

  Maggie and I went banking the other day. We went to not one, but two banks. Yes, we went inside the bank! Fortunately for us our local community is dog friendly. I had ascertained this information before our expedition into the banking world. Both banks were wonderful. The staff and the customers greeted us with welcoming arms. Maggie was petted and fawned over which she ate up. Maggie also received treats at the bank for her good behavior. I feared going inside with Maggie. I had no idea how she would behave. She's only one year old. Maybe she wasn't mature enough for the business world? My fears were dashed by her excellent behavior. She acted as if she's been banking her whole life. Does her sit-stay command need a little work? Yes indeed there's always room for improvement. Maggie, like me, is very curious so, she kept looking around at all the people wondering what they were up to. Maybe she was looking for another dog like herself? The good news;  fear died with that first sit-stay of Maggie's inside the bank. A big thank you to our local banks (Bank of the West & Wells Fargo Bank in Menlo Park, CA) and to their customers. We appreciate your dog friendly attitude. 
Maggie at Wells Fargo Bank


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

See Maggie Run

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down."
Julie & Maggie

  Awhile back my daughter came home from college for spring break. A friend of hers joined her later to sight see out West. (He took this wonderful photo of Julie with Maggie.) Maggie was thrilled to have Julie's exuberant energy in the house. Another person she loves and adores to throw the ball for her! More people in the house to walk her! Or someone fun to run with her! My daughter Julie continues to be an inspiration to me. This year she graduates from college. I reflect on our East coast to West coast travel experience of missing our plane after our first flight was delayed from its departure. In the airport we ran up many steps of those tall stairs with heavy luggage trying to catch our next flight. We discovered we just missed the plane. The airplane's doors had closed not five minutes before our arrival. It was such a frustrating experience, but Julie shook it off. Her positive attitude helped me to change my attitude for the better. We celebrated the rest of the journey tired, but happier. Maggie is a lot like Julie; always positive, hard working, happy, and lovingly loyal. I know when my limo breaks down, I'm riding the bus with Julie & my pal Maggie. 

  PLAY: What A Wonderful World sung by Jesse Campbell

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I'm Easy, Easy Like Sunday Morning

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"....Ooh that's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
That's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning!

I wanna be high, so high
I wanna be free to know
The things I do are right
I wanna be free...."
Lionel Ritchie

  I woke up with the "I'm Easy like Sunday morning" song playing in my head. Yes, Maggie and I are easy like Sunday morning. A cup of coffee, some tennis ball tossing, while we welcome the new day full of sunshine and birds singing outside. Some of the lyrics playing in my head reflect my own thoughts and Maggie's: 
"....Why in the world would anybody put chains on me?
I've paid my dues to make it
Everybody wants me to be
What they want me to be
I'm not happy when I try to fake it! no...."

Maggie and I have to be ourselves everyday of the week including Sunday. We appreciate that about each other. Easy like Sunday morning....