Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lucky Us: Would've, Should've, Could've

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck."

lone horse on the hill

  Maggie and I were in the car driving about when we looked and saw the lone horse on the hill. It was an amazing sight to see. We captured it with the iPhone camera. Where was our new Canon camera with the telephoto lens when we needed it? At home of course still in the box laying there unopened. Busy us. No time to set it up yet. Dang! All we could think is how amazing that horse would've looked through a more powerful lens.... Oh well, we shook it off. Reminder to self: get the camera ready. So, yesterday before Maggie and I went for our walk afternoon I had a feeling something special was going to happen. A little warning sound went off in my head take the Canon camera. I ignored my warning. Maggie and I had stuff to do, no time to dilly dally and take photos on our walk. Holy cow, we're half way through our walk when a red tailed hawk flies right in front of us and goes across the street and lands on a tree top. I pulled out the iPhone and took a photo of the hawk. The whole time I'm telling Maggie "would've, should've, could've" holy smokes! Maggie looked at me with that I told you so look. OK, OK, I'm unpacking the camera. Maybe next time a meeting of preparation with opportunity will yield us some luck close up.

lone red tailed hawk on tree top


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