Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bow Wow Friday

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice."

Maggie's choice

  It's almost turkey day. That's Thanksgiving day in America. It is this Thursday, November 22nd. Maggie and I have heard the term Black Friday on the internet, television and radio over and over again. As most know this day is the day after Thanksgiving. Retail shoppers rise early and get the best shopping deals for the Holiday season. Maggie decided to call this special shopping day Bow Wow Friday. Maggie and I are always get up early. We could shop. In fact, I found the perfect place for Maggie. It's called BowWowzer in Los Gatos, CA. Fresh water bowls are throughout the store. I'm not so sure this store will be up early the day after Thanksgiving, but if they were open there's plenty of goodies for Maggie. Dog clothes and other dry goods don't have much pull for her, but food goodies do. There's a whole biscuit & cookie section I think I heard call Maggie's name. If Maggie convinces me to go shopping at the crack of dawn on her Bow Wow Friday her list is written. I am to get bone shape biscuits, football shaped cookies (her Stanford college football game is this Saturday) and anything else I might think she'd like to munch on. Rawhide chews? 
Woof Woof

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