Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Singing In The Rain

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow."

 orange blossoms

  The forecast for today's California dew was showers likely in the morning and showers likely in the afternoon.  Showers! I thought bah humbug as I needed to walk Maggie. Another complaint inside of me started to surface. Criminy, I have to walk in the big rain-showers! Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for us to both getting soaked. Whiny moments.

The lazy voice on one side of me was screaming "Don't do it, think of all the work drying Maggie off!" 

The battle of the voices continued with the angelic voice whispering "Maggie needs her walk, come on, it will be fun!"

My final thought was, OK, I'll do it. 

I put on my rain boots, got Maggie's leash on her, and we headed out into the rain.  The rain was lightly sprinkling. We ran into our friendly gardener cleaning up after last night's stormy weather, and we both had a great time in the fresh air getting some exercise. What a great walk we had! I felt like Gene Kelly in Singing in the Rain! Perhaps, a little drier, but still very happy Maggie and I walked in the rain together with smiles on our faces.
Maggie and my rain boots ready to dry off


ps. only complaint-sideways photo of Maggie (blog's preference not mine)

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