Tuesday, March 6, 2012

All Of Me

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"All of me, why not take all of me?
Can't you see, I'm no good without you..."


  Oh my dog Maggie, sometimes that dang tennis ball love of hers drives me crazy. Take yesterday. Maggie was outside playing and rubbing that tennis ball of hers in the dirt. She continued romping around and then came indoors. I saw the dirt covered ball in her mouth. My thought was to switch the ball with a cleaner version. I threw a clean ball for her so she'd go get it. Maggie gave me a look like "Are you crazy? I already have a ball." She didn't budge. The dirty ball was still in her mouth. Ok, I'm thinking a ball in the mouth is worth two on the ground. You're right Maggie, I give. Full circle; I take all of Maggie, which includes a dirty tennis ball indoors, because I'm no good without her!
PLAY: All of Me sung by Frank Sinatra

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