Thursday, March 29, 2012

Blossoms of Gratitude

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."

Flowers at Stanford

  I was talking to a friend yesterday about gratitude. During Oprah Winfrey's interview with Lady Gaga on her OWN channel  a couple weeks back I heard how Oprah had mentioned keeping a gratitude journal. Oprah had said to list 5 things daily one is grateful for. Lady Gaga kept such a journal which they shared about on the TV show. I thought to myself that's easy to do. I will start with my dog Maggie for the first item. She's an overflowing cup of sugar everyday, second is for my family, third is for the sun after the rain, fourth is for the beautiful flowers in springtime, and the fifth is for the gift of some pumpkin pie in the month of March from a dear friend! My soul blossoms everyday from life's gardeners in my life! I'm grateful.
Maggie in the merry month of March 2012

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