Tuesday, April 16, 2013

MaggieMoose: Monterey Tails & Flippers

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be."

  My trip to Monterey and Carmel to check out the 'dog friendly' community brought back a slew of memories. It was twofold. I had memories of childhood family fun spent in this community and I was fast forwarded to the present day thinking of Maggie. When I watched the harbor seals I thought how much their behavior reminded me of Maggie. The seals were very playful. How they seemed to love their naps in the sun. These descriptions were most definitely MaggieMoose character traits. 

I could envision Maggie's snug body melted against the rail in relaxation mode. Knowing Maggie she wouldn't be in the dog pile. She'd be up on the rail in her own little world away from the madding crowd. It reminded me of all of life's euphemisms my dad use to teach me back in my childhood's Carmel beach days. My dad always wanted to get the point across that we need to focus on ourselves first. Messages of be the best we can personally be, while always remaining kind to others. Coming full circle; Maggie already knows life's truths. She came to me fully loaded with all this good wisdom of living. She can be off on her own little world or fit in with the others. She's game either way. Just like the harbor seals of Monterey. Thanks for the memories dad. Thanks world for my gift of MaggieMoose.

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