Monday, April 22, 2013

MaggieMoose: Carmel Tails & A Slice Of Heaven

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

  In Carmel, we entered the Church of the Wayfarer through their meditation garden. This is really called The Master's Garden. My friend wanted to come here to spend some quite time with her mom. Her mom's commemorative brick is laid in their garden court area. Everyone is welcome here, including people's best friend the dog. I told Maggie I'd bring her here next Carmel visit. 

Outside the church building was a copy of the original Thomas Kincade painting. He was the artist who was well known for his cozy cottage paintings. There is also a Thomas Kincade gallery in Carmel. 

After spending some reflective time in the garden we ventured inside the church. Unknown to us, heaven awaited. Beautiful music was played in rehearsal time. We felt like we had a private concert just for us. Maggie would've loved the soothing & ethereal music we heard.

CLICK YOUTUBE: MaggieMooseTracks: Music for the Soul to hear a slice of heaven.

My friend, like me, spent many earlier years in Carmel with loved ones. Her mother's brick laid in the sunshine on our beautiful Carmel day. I dedicate this Carmel tail to my friend and her mom.

My dad's favorite plant; hens & chickens also flourished in the meditation garden. I know he'd like these prize sized beauties in our garden of yesteryear. So with that I dedicate this Carmel tail to him too. 

It's a dog's life in Carmel. Dogs can share in your day no matter where you go, even to walk down memory lane. Maggie, my best friend is better than heaven itself while I'm on earth. Off to the beach.....

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