Sunday, October 21, 2012

Caught In The Act

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"The time to relax is when you don't have time for it."

(Maggie's mom Ginger with her best buddy)

  Maggie and her mom Ginger have something in common. They love people and cuddling together. Ginger was caught in the act the other day. It was discovered she had fallen asleep on the couch with one of the grand-kids. Ginger deserves any relaxing moments she can get. It's tough being a mom. Maggie's need to sneak in some relaxation time comes from her playing hard. When she gives all of herself full throttle it takes it out of her. This happens being super enthusiastic. When it's quiet, I wonder where's Maggie? I am sure to find her in a couple of her favorite places. One such spot is her coziest bed. I caught her in the act. There she was snuggled up when I was ready to toss the tennis ball. Maybe it's a good idea relaxing when she doesn't have time for it. If she knew the tennis ball was calling she'd be back to work pronto. Working hard at play.



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