Friday, May 31, 2013

MaggieMoose: Adventure Dreams In Living Color

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams."

  A few weeks ago we showed a B &W draft illustration of Maggie's new children's book MaggieMooseTracks®© Making Friends (age 6 up). We blogged about it in MaggieMoose: Trapped In Adventure. Just who are these nefarious, yet goofy men? We say wait and see... Looks like puppy Maggie is trapped in a fishing net! But how does she get out? The answer is in our first fictional illustrated children's book MaggieMooseTracks®© Making Friends (age 6 up). It will be published by June 21st of this year! The paperback will be sold on All ebook platforms will be free to download which includes Kindle and iBook. The PDF version will be posted for download on our website 

We are living the life of our dreams being able to share our inspirational fiction stories with children and adults around the world. It's a great adventure! Wait and see if Maggie gets herself out of the tangled mess she's got herself into. Maggie loves a little suspense. Me too. She patiently waits for me to read her the bedtime story of MaggieMooseTracks®© Making Friends with full color illustrations. Hold on Maggie, the adventure in living color is about to begin....until then, sweet dreams.

Illustrations by Randy Jennings

Thursday, May 30, 2013

MaggieMoose: Shell Games

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"I know I come off like a very outgoing person, and yeah, I'm outgoing, but there's also a part of me that still likes to be in my little shell sometimes."

  Maggie and I had our photo shoot last week. Maggie did great. Not a shy bone in that girl during the photo shoot. Me, another story. Hello, confessions-camera shy here. But, I know inside of Maggie that sometimes, like me she is a little shy too. We both like to go into our comfy shell now and then. For me, it's when the camera lens points towards me. For Maggie, it's when she's up to her private stuff, she doesn't like any eyes on her. Back and forth we go with our shell games. Mostly, we live large and outgoing like the ocean that sustains shell life. Finding beautiful shells scattered on the beach reminds us that we have our withdrawn moments. Each one unique to ourselves, but far and few between. 
Say CHEESE Maggie!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

MaggieMoose: Sparks To Flames Of Pawsabilities

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:

"Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement."

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

MaggieMoose: Never To Late To Celebrate

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life!"   

  On Sunday, over the Memorial weekend Maggie and I were treated to a family dinner. It was served up to us. Yes, we didn't have to do a thing. The kids brought flowers and cooked dinner. Nice! Maggie enjoyed wiggling her butt in excitement when her human siblings came over. It was my belated Mother's Day celebration. Memories of MaggieMoose puppy days flashed through my mind as she reverted to her puppy self at the sight of her human siblings. For me, this belated Mother's Day celebration was a special treat. All I had to do was show up. And I was already here! The food was brought in, prepared, cooked and practically served up. The appetizer was served as the dinner cooked in the oven. Maggie's nose went sniffing back and forth as her mind raced wondering if those smells were for her. Sorry Maggie-it's human food. She wasn't left out of the celebration though as a nice dental inspired rawhide treat was given to her when we sat down at the dinner table. We rejoiced in spirit thinking of our family miles apart that wasn't able to make it. Family in the beautiful land of life surrounded Maggie and me. Thanks family, while the dinner was delish, the main course of family being together was the best. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

MaggieMoose: Chillin' Like A Jazzy Velvet Tune

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"This is how memories are going with the flow."

  Maggie is the quintessential jazz lover. We thank our local station Jazz 91.1 KCSM-FM for providing us with our morning cup of jazz. Maggie can't resist a lovely saxophone with some piano keys tinkling along with a velvet crooner soothing her into her relax mode. She'll have to carry this mellow chill vibe with her today, because she's going on a professional photo shoot. I think I will need to go with the flow as we create some memories today. The one firecracker today in Maggie's world is she gets to see her human sib Julie. I hope after she explodes like dynamite she'll go back to her jazzy chill vibe. Hold that thought Maggie....

Chill with Maggie....
John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman-

Thursday, May 23, 2013

MaggieMoose: What's up? Up In The Trees

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well."

  Yesterday Maggie went to the groomer's and got all gussied up. When we came home she did her usual ritual of going outside to get some fresh air. She was fixated on something. She sat there and watched. It took me a few minutes to catch on. She was watching a Stellar's Jay on a close by branch of the tree. SO CLOSE. I ran  inside to get the Canon camera. I pointed at the bird and went to shoot. WHAT? No battery power? How can that be? I recharged the battery. Holy cow! I had taken the battery out of the camera! Omigosh! I ran back in the house and loaded the battery into the camera. In my flurry I bumped the settings on the camera. Holy mackerel-now the camera didn't perform like I wanted it to.... Meanwhile, the Stellar's Jay went higher up on the tree branches. Point: click, click, click...

Maggie and I were fixated on this bird. Then the bird chirped loudly, not really a chirp, but a big sound as if he was calling another bird. DANGER! DANGER! Sure enough Maggie and I found his partner across the tree branches, higher up than he.

Last year about this time Maggie and I marveled at the Stellar's Jay nest up in our tree. We took photos on our iPhone and posted them. This nest remained in our tree all year long throughout all the wind and rain storms. I imagine the birds have just remodeled some to shore up the walls. Inside the nest might lay eggs or chicks from these Stellar's Jay birds. Maggie and I were lucky enough to appreciate the beauty of life up in the trees, right in our own backyard. Most excellent-the beauty of our backyard birds experienced by us. WOOF WOOF

Monday, May 20, 2013

MaggieMoose: Retro Ride

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Make new friends,

but keep the old.
One is silver,
the other is gold."

  Maggie gave me the pitiful look. The look of 'let's shake it up' or in her simple words 'ROAD TRIP'. I put the leash on her and we took off for the MaggieMoose mobile (our 2011 Subaru Forester). Years ago as a kid on road trips my family sang songs like 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Gently down the stream...Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.... ' I can still hear my dad's deep voice starting us all off on our 4 person chorus. I asked Maggie what she wanted to sing, but before she could answer we saw the old classic car. 

WOW, what a beauty! We aren't car aficionado folk, but when we saw this magnificently restored car it took our breath away. Love went into that baby. It was then I knew the song for us to sing; Make New Friends. It's about the old and the new, both precious. As I kid I learned this song in Girl Scouts and it stayed with me, like an old friend. Hit it Maggie: Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other gold.... Finally on the open road we saw another classic car. Maggie, have we gone retro? We liked this spiffed up sparkling beauty. Let's go traveling! Retro ride Maggie.

For my old Girl Scout memories of gold, here's some new friends of silver: Troop 970 singing Make New Friends in American Sign Language (ASL). 
Hit it Troop 970!
CLICK Youtube: Make New Friends

Sunday, May 19, 2013

MaggieMoose: Trapped In Adventure

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:

"Life is either a great adventure or nothing."

Sneak peek of one of the DRAFT illustrations from our kid's book:

 MaggieMooseTracks®© Making Friends (age 6 up)

The book will be illustrated in FULL COLOR. 
Coming soon on June 2013!

Friday, May 17, 2013

MaggieMoose: Dreaming the Impawsable Dream

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"I love those who yearn for the impossible."

  Maggie's dreaming of the impawsable dream.... It's in her nature, because she believes in moose size pawsabilities. She does her dreaming many times during the day or night. It's a reminder for me to reach for the unreachable star... the star of our 1st kid’s book (age 6 up) MaggieMooseTracks®© Making Friends being read worldwide by children, sharing its pawsitive message of love and moose size pawsabilities. 

Maggie's eyes barely opened as she looked at me like I was the holy paparazzi terror giving her grief. Maybe it was because I interrupted one of her ginormous impawable dreams she was dreaming? Reaching for the unreachable star of MaggieMooseTracks®© Making Friends? Hugs Maggie, it's Friday. Let's go live out some of our dreams while our artist finishes our book's illustrations.

Sneak peek of one of the Draft illustrations:

Meet Polly porcupine, sometimes friends can be prickly!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

MaggieMoose: Pow Wow Tales of Princess Power

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Character is power."


  I told Maggie about the Stanford Pow Wow and how we saw people of all ages participate in the opening ceremonies. Maggie wanted me to tell her about the children. During the entrance parade a few young girls in their dancing regalia captured our attention. One mother prepared the shawl for her daughter, while another young girl in a jingle dress danced with pride when she made her entrance. 

As the participants made their way into the Pow Wow circle we saw another young girl draped in her beautiful blue shawl. When she came closer we noticed the detailing of her beautifully beaded moccasins. 

All of these young girls' characters stood out big and bold. Maggie and I call that princess power from the soul. WOOF WOOF

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

MaggieMoose: Mouthful

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

♥    ♥    ♥    ♥    ♥    ♥    ♥    ♥ 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

MaggieMoose: Pow Wow Tales of Magic

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed."

  I told Maggie all about when Maggie's human sib Julie and I attended the Stanford Pow Wow over Mother's Day weekend. The Stanford Pow Wow was held in the eucalyptus grove circle on Stanford University campus. We enjoyed our Indian tacos while we waited for the ceremonies to begin. To our right view we witnessed a young girl's curiosity and pure enthrallment happen. This young girl went up to one of the drum groups while they prepared for the Pow Wow drumming event. At the same time some of the drum group's members prepared the ritual of piece by piece applying their dance costumes for the dancing competitions. This little girl might have come straight out of the book Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. She was the cutest girl. Her curiosity reminded me of my now grown daughter Julie who sat next to me. A perfect Mother's Day gift to me to reflect on mothering memories.

The members of this drum group were so sweet with the young girl. We could tell from afar they answered all her inquisitive questions. Before the Pow Wow started the drum group received CDs of their music to later sell to the crowd. The little girl studied the CD case of their drum music for the longest time. Finally, she melted back into the crowd of people and the Pow Wow ceremonies began. My daughter and I witnessed pre-Pow Wow magic as it might have filled this little girl's soul with imagination of an agreeable surprise. Maggie was pleased. WOOF WOOF

Monday, May 13, 2013

MaggieMoose: A Day Well Spent

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"A well-spent day brings happy sleep."

  Yesterday was Mother's Day. Maggie and I went on our morning walk. We saw pink roses and a very bright and cheerful yellow rose. Perfect for a Mother's day. We rather see flowers growing than get flowers. Well, I stand corrected, Maggie rather sniff flowers on her walk than get flowers. The morning was as sunny and bright as the yellow rose. The whole day Maggie was like velcro. She must have known it was Mother's day. I was doing a little of this and that in between Mother's day phone calls, texts or Facebook posts and so forth. There was Maggie as my four pawed shadow. By the end of Mother's day Maggie was spent! I think my best Mother's day gift came when Maggie ran outside to collect the biggest twig she could find. Of course I accepted my Mother's day gift from her with glee. After all, who needs flowers when you can get twigs from a moose full of love? We slept great after our Mother's day well spent.

Friday, May 10, 2013

MaggieMoose: I Feel Pretty!

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Change your thoughts and you change your world."

  Maggie and I find that music can change our moods. We heard a great tune this morning and WOW frustration melted away. We're missing writing our daily blogs, but due to our new blog & website configuration- we're stumped. Back to the drawing board this weekend.... We were listening to Dave Grusin's "I Feel Pretty". Marvelous. Happy! Happy! Happy! We can now climb Mt. Everest, which for us his our new website: So, maybe this blog post doesn't look so pretty as we'd like, but we feel PRETTY! WOOF WOOF

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

MaggieMoose: New Beginnings On A Wordless Wednesday

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Genuine beginnings begin within us, even when they are brought to our attention by external opportunities."

  We have a newly redesigned website at! COME SEE US! We're not sure how to be our own web master yet. Each day for us will be a new beginning! It's wordless Wednesday. Let's see if we can post that! Maggie says WOOF WOOF!

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