Monday, December 10, 2012

Out Of Tune Talents

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best."

  Maggie and I love the Stanford Cardinal football team. They have done what they do best this season-WIN. The most unlikely is going to the Rose Bowl. We love the Cardinal bird too for it's brilliant red coloring. In honor of our home team we found a Cardinal ornament for our tree. Maggie did after all cheer on the team throughout the season. It's what she does best-super duper cheerleader. 

Her other talent besides companion and friend is posing for photos. On a dime Maggie will pose for me and hold the pose. Such a sweetie. Just this morning as I took the Cardinal ornament photo she sat in her cozy bed and appropriately posed. It is our unspoken language of singing without a tuning bar. Maggie will try her best every time. It doesn't matter if she gets it perfect or right. Into the ring goes her whole heart of loving effort. Maggie's out of tune talents sound best to me and to herself. WOOF WOOF

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