Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bread Pudding, Gators, And Coaching

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"I liked the energy of cooking, the action, the camaraderie. I often compare the kitchen to sports and compare the chef to a coach. There are a lot of similarities to it."

Ornament from New Orleans, LA

  Yesterday I was at a wonderful gathering with some work folks at a fine restaurant called the Mayfield Bakery & Cafe. Maggie remained back home soaking up all the family loving. Yes, Maggie & I have our holiday company. We are thrilled! Back to the restaurant, after our lovely meal the desert I enjoyed was the Caramelized Apple Bread Pudding. No words to describe its richness. Ten out of ten for high marks. 

After I was back home I put the family's Christmas presents under the tree by Maggie's cozy bed. I saw our alligator chef Christmas ornament I brought back from our trip to New Orleans, LA (NOLA). Now that was some cooking down there. The best food I have ever tasted. I remember my desert from Commander's PalaceIt was the Creole Bread Pudding SoufflĂ© with warm whiskey creamMy taste buds are spoiled for life. I know Maggie might agree, the cooking smells in NOLA have the potential to drive her crazy with desire and want. Meanwhile at home, Maggie was following the scent of our kitchen's different food groups as our family picked on this or that before the main meal; pizza delivery. Maggie obliged us by tiding up the place through her vacuuming up any crumbs. When the pizza arrived she  chewed on her rawhide treat as she observed us now and then in full pizza mode. Our cooking frenzy is upon us. Christmas less than a week. Lots of goodies on the daily menus. Maggie offered to help clean up the place should we drop any crumbs. Maggie loves Christmas, but more importantly she loves SF 49er football and Santa. Family, food, football, and Santa; all a perfect way to spend a week. LET'S GO COACH HARBAUGH! LET'S GO NINERS! LET'S GO SANTA! Woof, woof, nice treat you left me....

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