Tuesday, December 4, 2012

One Fun Girl and Three Fungi

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

  Maggie is one fun girl. She holds onto the tennis ball looking quite studious, but she's just waiting for the explosion of the chase. A second after holding her tennis ball in her mouth she silently releases it from her jaw. The release is my cue to pick up the ball. Then her unspoken command is I am to throw the ball down the hall. It didn't take me long to learn this Maggie lesson. I throw the ball. Blast off! Maggie's gone like a whirlwind. The chase is on. This plays on again and again. It's like life after the storm. It goes on. Maggie and I take our walk and along the way we see what wasn't there the day before: fungi! 
Rain has a magic effect when it comes in just right portions. Life pops out everywhere in the outdoors. Maggie and I loved seeing the variety in the three fungi we came across on our walk. The first mushrooms had a very cool rosey edging. We thought they were from a very artistic family. Then we came upon the bubble heads. We bet they were a thrill a minute. These mushrooms had very round tops indeed. Like bunnies there were bunches of them everywhere.
Maggie is a unique and fun kind of girl so, we were looking for some mushrooms with a little imagination and pop. Low and behold the flying saucers came into view. These mushrooms looked like they were ready to take off into space. Wow, life really does go on in three, plus one: MaggieMoose. Lessons learned.

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