Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"There's no place like home"


  I've just arrived home from Washington, DC after attending my daughter's fabulous graduation. The weather was picture perfect; clear, sunny, and no humidity. The big graduation ceremony on the Washington Mall went off without a hitch. The day after the graduation it rained and was very muggy like the Botanical gardens we stopped at to visit. I think the weather was a farewell of tears for my graduate leaving their fair city. As my daughter and I traversed the city's capital hitting the last minute sightseeing spots I reflected on the feeling; there's no place like home. It's fun visiting elsewhere, but for me going home meant my funny, bunny dog Maggie once again awaited me to throw her the tennis ball, or to bug me repeatedly to go outside and get some twigs. I was right. I picked up Maggie at the sitter's, we went to the Vet for her latest immunizations, then home to tennis ball and twigs. Maggie happily licked me and snuggled close. There's no place like home....with a fur ball at your side.

 Maggie's garden 

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