Monday, August 15, 2011

Remember .... TEAM NAT

  My life veered off course six months ago thanks to a four pawed animal named Maggie. I call her Maggie Moose. She's a hunk of love who struts along like the world is hers for pure enjoyment. Munce, munce here and munce, munce there. Her tongue hanging out off to the side as her face is smiling back at you. Sniffing the ground tenaciously she tracks all scents coming and going which gives her dog-loving satisfaction.

  Maggie had no idea when she arrived I was supposed to be working on my fiction novel. Before she arrived I attended the Pitchapalooza by The Book Doctors. I give a shout out to Kepler's bookstore for hosting the Pitchapalooza. I was one of the lucky ones chosen to pitch my book idea in 60 seconds. I received promising feedback from the panel. Arielle Eckstut wore the craziest knee high socks that day. I loved them so much, I bought myself some crazy Little Miss Matched socks. Books & socks aside, a little 7 week old puppy named Maggie was about to steal my heart while changing my life and others. 

"An extraordinary little girl...." captioned Maggie's puppy ad

  My mission here at Maggie Moose Tracks is to globally invite you to connect with another one soul at a time, whether with four paws or not while imaging the pawsabilities this journey will take you on. We'll track the path together with Maggie as she grows while sharing & connecting as kindred spirits together. 

   Paws to enjoy and pass it on!


  The other day as I was walking into the hospital where I work I met a nice guy with his little French Bull dog named Epi. Seeing a little dog on the lawn in front of the hospital isn't that common. I asked about his dog. When I looked closer I noticed Epi's collar said TEAM NAT in big, bold letters. I inquired if that was his name? It wasn't. It is his wife's name. She was in the hospital with cancer. His name is Major. It's a long way to travel to Stanford Hospital from Visalia, Ca where Major, Nat, and their dog(s) live. Major told me the hospital lets Epi come visit his wife. I'm sure that made her so happy to see and pet her little Epi.

  We talked about dogs as animal therapy dogs and how wonderful it is for patients to take a break and enjoy a dog (or other pets) who will sit, or lay down beside them and temporarily take their cares away. I shared that my Maggie is in the process of discovering if she might like to be an animal therapy dog. We talked about how Epi might be a wonderful animal therapy dog. I explained that each hospital or other facility has their own special certification process for an animal therapy pet to go through their own facility's volunteer department.

  As a follow up, Nat was to go home the next day with Hospice care. 

  Please unite and hold Nat, Major, Epi, and their circle of family & friends in your hearts as they continue their journey...



  1. Looking forward to blog updates! Interesting life Maggie is having!

  2. Mari, Love this. Maggie is getting so good looking. Thanks for all of your work on this blog. I will adventually firgure it all out.....Lacking in computer skills.....Sharon Long

  3. Mari - love the blog and also need some tutorial on the blog thing! We will enjoy hearing about all her adventures! Sue Shoff
