Monday, August 22, 2011

Planting Seeds

                                          Zack: Maggie's dad  & Ginger: Maggie's mom                          
  As Fall approaches I think of the harvest season with pawabilities. Maggie and I are planting seeds as we go along. Each day is a fresh start to plant seed after seed. Last weekend Maggie and I went to the Delta Society pre-screening for animal therapy. I'm sure Sharon the breeder had no idea the greatness Maggie is headed for when she bred Zack & Ginger. Greatness to me is sharing love with one another. The Delta Society believes Maggie will make a great animal therapy dog one day. One day. Every mighty oak starts with an acorn. While Maggie & I wait for the seeds to sprout we will continue to enjoy each day along the way.

  Did Maggie pass the pre-screen test? She failed her way to new beginnings. Obedience wise her puppy ways shone through; excitability, not following commands, and a little distracted by the dogs, the wind, and the newness of the place we were at outdoors. The good news is she is engaged, social, outgoing, and happy. Obedience can be taught. Inner gentleness, an open heart, enthusiasm, and joy are qualities that I believe one comes into the world with when they're born. Leaves of wonder that will leave a mark on others. 

  Maggie and I will continue to move forward open to new pawsabilities this coming Fall. In time, when the seeds sprout we will nourish them as we prepare for the blossoming of Maggie's love to scent the path of others. For today, we'll go out to share a cup of Maggie's love with her everyday puppy eagerness spilling over!

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