Thursday, August 25, 2011

Maggie Sunshine

  Maggie reminds me of many songs whose lyrics fill my heart with happiness & joy. "Sunshine On My Shoulders" by John Denver. Or "Grazing in the Grass" by Hugh Masekela. Like a melody that plays as I go through my day I'm filled with remembrances of that goofy girl of mine with four paws. I swear those ears of hers really are moose antlers flopping around!

"Beautiful Girls" by Sean Kingston plays as I watch Maggie flop her ears/antlers around with her Marilyn Monroe like beauty mark as she delicately chews on an oak leaf. Isn't this like-take the gum out of your mouth during the photo shoot? It's the goofy factor that endears her to me!

  Then again Maggie spies the little bug and it reminds me of "Give A Little Bit" sung by Roger Hodgson of Supertramp fame.

  Each new song starts with the first lyric. Just like when I first saw photos of little Maggie. Life with Maggie is full solar power.... Everyday Maggie gives me a little bit of her love to me.... Sunshine fills my heart!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Walking and Talking

  Today my darling girl Julie is flying to her college home. Maggie and I will miss her so much. We enjoyed our summer with her and her boyfriend. Last night while the sun still shone we walked and talked on the Stanford campus. Maggie was full of herself as if she could pick up on Julie's exuberance while we were walking and talking. Julie is a blessing, just like my four paw girl Maggie. Precious moments can be found in such a short amount of time. A hug or a bunch of licks of kisses all translate into joy. 

  The house was a flurry of activity as Julie packed her things to ship to DC or to put in suitcases. Maggie loved navigating in the small spaces around her room with stuff splayed everywhere. She especially liked smelling the African scents on Julie's suitcases from her studies abroad last Spring. After all, Maggie is studying tracking the human scent. I can only imagine Maggie's quizzical nature churning thoughts of what is this I smell?

  Flurry aside, Julie headed out for her college life . After she left, the house exuded a stillness and quiet. I wasn't so sure I liked it as I loved having Julie home. Maggie and I will look forward to Thanksgiving when she'll return. Life will be bountiful, but then it already is because my gal pal Maggie and I have our memories of walking and talking with our best girl Julie. We love you Julie, you fill our hearts with joy.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Planting Seeds

                                          Zack: Maggie's dad  & Ginger: Maggie's mom                          
  As Fall approaches I think of the harvest season with pawabilities. Maggie and I are planting seeds as we go along. Each day is a fresh start to plant seed after seed. Last weekend Maggie and I went to the Delta Society pre-screening for animal therapy. I'm sure Sharon the breeder had no idea the greatness Maggie is headed for when she bred Zack & Ginger. Greatness to me is sharing love with one another. The Delta Society believes Maggie will make a great animal therapy dog one day. One day. Every mighty oak starts with an acorn. While Maggie & I wait for the seeds to sprout we will continue to enjoy each day along the way.

  Did Maggie pass the pre-screen test? She failed her way to new beginnings. Obedience wise her puppy ways shone through; excitability, not following commands, and a little distracted by the dogs, the wind, and the newness of the place we were at outdoors. The good news is she is engaged, social, outgoing, and happy. Obedience can be taught. Inner gentleness, an open heart, enthusiasm, and joy are qualities that I believe one comes into the world with when they're born. Leaves of wonder that will leave a mark on others. 

  Maggie and I will continue to move forward open to new pawsabilities this coming Fall. In time, when the seeds sprout we will nourish them as we prepare for the blossoming of Maggie's love to scent the path of others. For today, we'll go out to share a cup of Maggie's love with her everyday puppy eagerness spilling over!

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Winds of Change

  Our home life will be changing as the winds of change are quickly approaching. One daughter  leaves next week heading back to finish her last year in college, while another daughter heads out to start a new life elsewhere the following week. Tomorrow Maggie and I go for for her pre-screening for animal therapy. I'm finding these changes are both scary and exciting at the same time. 

  At the pre-screening Maggie & I are considered a team. I've been told sometimes the dog passes and the owner flunks! A little bit of pressure for both of us. I haven't told Maggie about the pressure part yet. 

  I'm thankful Maggie is in my life. She'll be my rock as I lose my baby girls into their adulthood lives. I still see them even at 21 yrs old, as my 7 or 8 yrs old swimming at the swim meets, going on school field trips, or being on vacation at Coffee Creek Dude Ranch. My lens for viewing my girls is kaleidoscopic; I see them in colors of the past, the present and the future.

  Meanwhile, Maggie has grown like wildfire. She's a puppy with the body of a dog. Inside she has the temperament of a teenager. She swings from the sweet side to the wild, glazed eyed look of impulses firing on all cylinders side. Maggie will keep me busy, but I'll lament my little girls being gone as I cheer them into their adulthood. 

It looks like it's time to stretch ourselves Maggie and I. My girls too. We'll take a deep breath of new and ever changing air and face forward. As I always tell all my girls: no guts, no glory. 
I love you all!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"A stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet." Will Rogers

  When I was considering getting a new puppy my life was full of work, school, and much too much seriousness and not enough exercise or socialization. My life in a bubble left me just kind of floating along. I was drawn to Maggie's photos online in the pet ad, but I wasn't ready to commit to getting a puppy. After another litter fell through (a litter not yet born), Maggie's magnetism drew me back. I made the leap of faith, like saying "hi" to a stranger who becomes a friend. I committed to change my life by adopting Maggie. I felt excited, blissful, joyful. Maggie was a stranger, but I knew there was something special about her.

  Maggie has a special way of drawing people to her like a magnet. It reminds me of the Will Rogers quote about strangers & friends. My dad and grandfather were great believers in this credo for living. I shouldn't be surprised that it rubbed off on me too. Before Maggie, I'd forgotten my about enthusiastic spark of meeting and greeting. Now thanks to my dog's breeder Sharon it's rubbed off on my dog Maggie, my moose of a girl at 42 lbs. Wherever I go, people walk up, jog up, cycle up, or cross the intersection in their cars just to come talk to me about my English Springer Spaniel dog Maggie.

  Those first beginnings of socialization are so important to set the tone for the way of looking at life. Thank you Sharon (my breeder) for putting the love of life and family into your dogs and puppies through your extensive socialization. The spark of gentleness in their souls shines through your dogs who are eagerly awaiting to greet others in a loving & welcoming manner. These dogs are pure love bugs who will infect you with their love potion.

  Since Maggie, I've met folks coast to coast who own puppies from Sharon, and other folks that just start talking to me because of my beautiful dog. If I wanted to stay in a social shell it'd be impossible. Maggie crushes social shells like she shreds her stuffed toys! Maggie's jaws of life help me breathe new life everyday I wake up! Thank you Maggie.

  For me, it was getting a puppy that was the catalyst to change and rock my world. As I consider the positive changes in my life, I know in my heart that if I or others continue to get off the couch and go outside, the the magic of socialization will happen. Will Rogers had it in a nutshell, there's lots of strangers waiting to be friends. Just say "hi".

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The 3 T's of a Dog's Life; Training, Treats & Toys

  Maggie Moose at  7 months laying on my lap. 

  Maggie thinks she's a cuddler at 42 lbs and will curl right up on me! She's my best buddy! Although I'm not a dog expert, I've learned a few things about a dog's life these past four months she's been part of my world. I call them the 3 T's of survival raising a puppy or dog; training, treats, and toys. 

  Right off I found the most fantastic trainer; Pat Rohde of Rav'n Dog Training. I searched the internet for positive dog trainers, read multiple reviews, but what sold me on Pat was my conversation with her on the phone. Pat knows her dogs. She's enthusiastic and passionate about her craft. I felt trust coming through the phone. Trust that Maggie and I were to get the best training. 

  I signed Maggie up for Puppy class before she arrived. The first week she was here puppy school started for us. Dog obedience is so important for manners and safety. Maggie's and my foundation in dog obedience came those first six Puppy class sessions with Pat. The skills Maggie and I learned gave us both a strong foundation for her next class of Basic Obedience. Yes, the human needs to learn the lessons carefully. The dog catches on quickly! he he he

  In the flier for Pat's dog training listed were items to bring like; 6 ' leash, treats, ziplocks & paper towels (puppy piddle/poo accidents). I didn't have a clue of what treats to bring so, at the local pet store I bought a random bag of treats. Unfortunately Maggie wasn't interested in these treats during class. This is when I learned about "high value" treats such as mozzarella cheese sticks, or Natural Balance Lamb food rolls (treats in a sausage shape packaging). Little bits of this broken off and used for rewards during training works wonders! Maggie was begging for more! Easily digestible too. The trick is to slice up the food roll, put the slices in a ziplock and throw it in the freezer. Take out the slices as needed. It thaws quickly. I've found freezing the treats keeps the product moist & pliable. When rewarding during dog training a puppy/dog only needs a little tiny bit off the slice. Maggie was a star pupil, because of these treats! 

  Maggie loves to chew! I was ready for her arrival with two toy bins full of toys; hard toys, soft squeaky toys, the family's leftover tennis balls, and rope toys. From the beginning I taught my dog to get her toys out of the bin by herself. The command "get a toy" was followed by taking her to the toy bin, picking up a toy, and handing it to her. It takes a young puppy awhile to catch on, but they will. Our place now looks like a preschool with toys littered everywhere! You want the preschool look-it saves the furniture & clothes!

  A must is Nylabones. Maggie will chew on these for hours. As a young puppy I held the Nylabone in my hand in her mouth to help her manage it.  Today Maggie will pick a Nylabone out of her toy bin and happily chew, chew, chew. 

  The soft squeaky toys are great. Maggie loves 'em, but I'm finding at 7 months old Maggie is becoming the "shredder" of the plush. I have to monitor her chewing or else I'll see a pile of fluffy guts next to the toy-a hazard waiting to happen! As she ages I need to make sure the toys are DURABLE for her age and strength.

  Tennis balls are great for retrieving and playful interaction with your puppy or dog. I've found that real tennis balls are the safest for my dog. The pet store variety of tennis balls can be shredded byMaggie creating a big safety hazard. I recommend buying official tennis balls used for court play by humans. The Penn brand last and last in our household. I support American made products of which the Penn brand of tennis balls has been for over 100 years. 

  Rope toys will entertain for a long time. The threads are suppose to help clean their teeth. I'm not an expert on this advise, but Maggie loves to figure out how to untangle the threads. She meticulously spends a lot of time mentally & physically working out these dynamics of the rope. 

  My 3 T's of a dog 's life have made these past four months terrific for Maggie & me! Training the first week Maggie was here set the tone for an enjoyable past four months. The tools of treats & toys lined the pathway to successful living with a growing puppy or dog, and best friend....

Monday, August 15, 2011

Remember .... TEAM NAT

  My life veered off course six months ago thanks to a four pawed animal named Maggie. I call her Maggie Moose. She's a hunk of love who struts along like the world is hers for pure enjoyment. Munce, munce here and munce, munce there. Her tongue hanging out off to the side as her face is smiling back at you. Sniffing the ground tenaciously she tracks all scents coming and going which gives her dog-loving satisfaction.

  Maggie had no idea when she arrived I was supposed to be working on my fiction novel. Before she arrived I attended the Pitchapalooza by The Book Doctors. I give a shout out to Kepler's bookstore for hosting the Pitchapalooza. I was one of the lucky ones chosen to pitch my book idea in 60 seconds. I received promising feedback from the panel. Arielle Eckstut wore the craziest knee high socks that day. I loved them so much, I bought myself some crazy Little Miss Matched socks. Books & socks aside, a little 7 week old puppy named Maggie was about to steal my heart while changing my life and others. 

"An extraordinary little girl...." captioned Maggie's puppy ad

  My mission here at Maggie Moose Tracks is to globally invite you to connect with another one soul at a time, whether with four paws or not while imaging the pawsabilities this journey will take you on. We'll track the path together with Maggie as she grows while sharing & connecting as kindred spirits together. 

   Paws to enjoy and pass it on!


  The other day as I was walking into the hospital where I work I met a nice guy with his little French Bull dog named Epi. Seeing a little dog on the lawn in front of the hospital isn't that common. I asked about his dog. When I looked closer I noticed Epi's collar said TEAM NAT in big, bold letters. I inquired if that was his name? It wasn't. It is his wife's name. She was in the hospital with cancer. His name is Major. It's a long way to travel to Stanford Hospital from Visalia, Ca where Major, Nat, and their dog(s) live. Major told me the hospital lets Epi come visit his wife. I'm sure that made her so happy to see and pet her little Epi.

  We talked about dogs as animal therapy dogs and how wonderful it is for patients to take a break and enjoy a dog (or other pets) who will sit, or lay down beside them and temporarily take their cares away. I shared that my Maggie is in the process of discovering if she might like to be an animal therapy dog. We talked about how Epi might be a wonderful animal therapy dog. I explained that each hospital or other facility has their own special certification process for an animal therapy pet to go through their own facility's volunteer department.

  As a follow up, Nat was to go home the next day with Hospice care. 

  Please unite and hold Nat, Major, Epi, and their circle of family & friends in your hearts as they continue their journey...
