Tuesday, January 28, 2014

MaggieMoose: Simply Called Love

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

  Last night was a big night. After much delay for numerous reasons, we received our first shipment of MaggieMooseTracks® kid's dinnerware meal sets. We created the kid's plate, bowl & cup for kids to enjoy time with Maggie at breakfast, lunch and dinner. The illustrations on the dinnerware go with our Book 1 MaggieMooseTracks® Making Friends

These fictional images are as lovable as Maggie is in real life. Maggie's love has given me the strength and courage to dare to create. Love is a powerful fuel. Our slogan living life full of moose size pawsabilities around the world came from my precious dog Maggie. We both know that what we create can change kids (or adults) lives for the better. There's no white noise in our MaggieMooseTracks® world, just sensitivity to what really matters; love of self and others. Although our MaggieMooseTracks® books are filled with colorful outdoor adventures, our books also provide a sense of calm and belonging. Maggie and I think kids want to enjoy some quiet time in a land full of imagination and creativity. At the end of last night Maggie looked at me with her soulful eyes. They peered into mine. I felt as if she told me it's simply called love. And yes Maggie, we are living a life full of moose size pawsabilities! And others can too! It's pawsable.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

MaggieMoose: Jan. 22nd It's the Birthday Sprout

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Your heart is full of fertile seeds, waiting to sprout."

Maggie's 3rd birthday!

  Today is Maggie's 3rd birthday. She was born on Jan. 22, 2011, on a farm in Missouri. Her birth date is the same as the famous musician Steve Perry. We love his music. And like the famous musician, Maggie has been on quite a journey since her arrival in our household. She has gone from the cutest puppy in pink to a grown up girl (still in pink) who continues to share her puppy loving ways with everyone. Now Maggie's reach is around the world in 174 countries sharing her moose size pawsabilities. Today is also special because for the first time our pink-flowering Currant plant (Ribes sanguinem) blossomed! Ironically, my daughter received that plant 3 years ago as a gift. A gift that would keep giving... Just like Maggie.

 It's early in the morning before the roosters have crowed. Maggie has her birthday toys scattered everywhere as she heads back to sleep. Zzzzs. Thank you Maggie for being in not only my life, but in all those lives you touch everyday. You are my little birthday princess who has blossomed into a beautiful girl full of moose size pawsabilities.

Monday, January 20, 2014

MaggieMoose: To The Crazy Ones...One Twig At A Time

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." 

  Last weekend I attended a Vision Board Play Shop. After I created my vision board for 2014 from magazine cut-outs of images and words I reflected on 2013. A year ago I was in the same vision board play shop. I had a dream to write one book based on my muse Maggie, my English Springer Spaniel dog. On the vision board my dream went. I wanted to make a difference in children's (or adults) lives through my fictional adventure story telling. I was going to do this through a chapter book format with full color illustrations for ages 6 up. Maggie and I wanted a book with more than pretty fluff. We wanted our book to have substance of 'moose size pawsabilities'. We'd spread the word through Maggie's love of twigs since she was already read worldwide on six continents on all the social media venues totaling 174 countries... 

I finished my vision board. My friend across the table handed me one more magazine cutout of a quote. She said the quote was true for me. In bold, red letters the words stood out "The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." I couldn't read who the quote was from, because the font was too small. I pasted the quote on my vision board. In 2013, I wrote the 1st book: Book 1 MaggieMooseTracks® Making Friends, but I didn't stop there. I wrote two more books and then had one translated into Japanese. I continued on to create so much more, too lengthy for a short blog. It's all on our MaggieMooseTracks® website (which was also created in 2013). When I came home from the play shop Maggie ran in with a little twig hanging out of her mouth. I told Maggie '... you and I are the crazy ones and we are going to change the world, one twig at a time...' 

Before I went to write today's blog I Googled the quote my friend gave me about the ones who are crazy. The author was Steve Jobs. I should have known, an inspirational visionary from our neck of the woods. I promptly wrote his name on my pasted quote. Thank you Steve for blazing the trail for us crazy ones. One twig at a time living life with moose size pawsabilities around the world. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

MaggieMooseTracks: Vol 4 Humgator Tails' New Character?

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Believe you can and you're halfway there."

  Last Friday I went to Beverly Hills for MaggieMooseTracks® at the Secret Room Event for the Golden Globe Nominees & Media gift giveaway. We held a drawing for "naming a character" in our soon to be released new book, Vol. 4: MaggieMooseTracks® Humgator Tails. Today Maggie sat down and tried to decide which card to choose from our pile of Humgator Tails postcards. WOOF! WOOF! A card was chosen! Drum roll...

Maggie chose Jamie Brewer's card (she's from American Horror Story) with the character name "Violet". 
But wait, Maggie refused to move until we chose more character names! So, another drum roll please....

Benjamin Stockham (of the new, upcoming show on NBC's About A Boy) with his character name "Pilot".
Breanna Yde (of Nickelodeon's Haunted Hathaways) with her character name 
Tony Hale (of HBO's show Veep & Arrested Development now on Netflix) with his name "Stan". 
Wait to see what kind of characters their names turn into. Maybe a bird? A fish? A mammal?
Our fun filled celebrities believed they could and we're halfway there with our next book, Vol. 4: MaggieMooseTracks® Humgator Tails!
Coming late Spring 2014! Details upcoming on our website: www.MaggieMooseTracks.com

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

MaggieMoose: Twig Girl Keeping It Real for Golden Globes 2014

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"I try to keep it real. I don't have time to worry about what I'm projecting to the world. I'm just busy being myself."
Demi Lovato

  This past weekend MaggieMooseTracks® packed to go the Red Carpet Secret Event for the Golden Globes Award Nominees & media on Jan. 10, 2014. Maggie insisted on being herself. She had her twig on board when we packed all the MaggieMooseTracks® celebrity & media gifts. Maggie's been a twig aficionado since her puppy days. After all, moose means eater of twigs. But STOP-no, I don't let MaggieMoose eat twigs. We utilize the twig exchange program; I pay her for her twigs and she releases them at my feet. It works great! A touch of celebrity-dom with MaggieMooseTracks® being read in over 174 countries around the world doesn't faze her either. She's just busy being herself keeping it real twig and all. Maybe she'll pawograph one of her MaggieMooseTracks® books from her book series? I'll have to check her calendar. Maggie might be out tracking for just the right twig... WOOF WOOF

Thursday, January 2, 2014

MaggieMoose: Twig Enthusiasm & More

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"We're just enthusiastic about what we do."

  Maggie and I are fueled by enthusiasm. A simple thing such as Maggie bringing a twig indoors sets our symbiotic creativity in motion. We like doing what we do; from writing fictional tails in her MaggieMooseTracks® book series, to photographing Maggie & Twigs for a coffee table size book or just giving out hugs & licks. We've accomplished many creative pursuits through our enthusiastic outlook in life during 2013; we wrote 3 books, had 1 book translated into Japanese, Maggie's photos were shown in an art show in New York City, our readers around the world doubled from 87 countries (2012) on 6 continents to 174 countries in 2013 and we started a line of MaggieMooseTracks® merchandise! Oh My Dog! Thank you friends & furriends around the world for all your love & support. It's amazing how many ways Maggie & I see how life is pawsable. Yes, we're enthusiastic about what we do. Our hope is that we can continue to pass the spark of enthusiasm with you, one twig at a time. Sharing the love. WOOF! WOOF! 

Living life with moose size pawsabilities around the world!