Monday, October 17, 2011

The Pursuit of Happiness

 Yesterday Maggie and went for a long walk, but we took a different route. Sniffing the new ground as Maggie ambled along we came across a hummingbird seeking the nectar from a beautiful sticky bush. The hummingbird saw us and flew up above into the trees for safety. If you look very closely in the photo you will see the hummingbird in the center with the sky as its backdrop. Its long beak is pointing upward. Sometimes things we seek are right in front of us, and in us, yet we don't see them; like the pursuit of happiness.

Maggie in front of sticky bush

  Maggie looked up in the tree seeking to find where the hummingbird had flown as I tried to take her reluctant photo. Her intensity in discovering all the new things around her was overshadowed by my obsession to photograph our simple journey. Fortunately, as soon as Maggie got up and we walked on I could tell she forgave me of my human antics. We ambled along letting the sunshine pour down on us. 

  We went past teams of flag-football players playing on the green. Cars parked were labelled with collegiate affiliations. Many alumnus from different colleges all come together for their love of sport on the beautiful sunny day. The new sounds for Maggie of team players & whistles blowing rocked the air amongst the bird's chippings as we went along. 

  As we walked by the mighty oak trees I made Maggie pose with the brown leaves on the ground. Maggie looked all around as she sat there. I wondered what she was looking for as her body kept shifting? Maybe her happiness was just over there to the right or in front of her or to the left? Which way was her pursuit of happiness?

  I think Maggie's pursuit of happiness while out and about was anywhere but standing still. She wanted to continue to venture. Her tongue hung out of her mouth lower and lower as we heated up along our walk. It was time to head home. 

  Maggie's a bird dog; it's natural for her to find happiness seeking birds or any new smell on the ground. For me, the pursuit of happiness on our walk was slowing down and marveling at what beauty was around us. Simple things like finding the little hummingbird or hearing people outdoors playing sport and having a great time. I found the pursuit of happiness created the joy within as Maggie and I kept taking that first step towards unknown territory together. 

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