Saturday, October 29, 2011

Camp Days for Maggie

  Last week Maggie went to camp at Don O'Brien's Kennels for on-leash obedience training. She'll be gone from home for about 2-3 weeks. I will get my training when I pick her up. One week later and life at home is very different without Maggie who's my pal, my buddy, my lovebug of 45lbs of velvety, huggable flesh. No words can describe the feeling of missing a very big part of my life. I know Maggie will be back so, I'm OK with it. Her training will have a positive ripple effect on the lives Maggie will touch. I know it's a short term sacrifice for a long term benefit to have Maggie be a well mannered and obedient dog. 

  The camp Maggie went to is about a thirty minute drive south of Sacramento, CA. It's in the country outside a small town called Wilton. Our ride to camp took about 2 1/2 hrs. Maggie slept the whole ride there. 
We crossed two bridges. The 2nd bridge we crossed I remember crossing as a child and seeing the Navy ships docked in water storage. After the bridge we saw mountains in the horizon, but continued on flat land freeway driving.

  We changed several freeways and passed orchards, dry corn fields, green cornfields, farms, cattle, and other rural venues. Maggie slept contently. I drove on singing loudly to George Strait songs like: If You Ain't Lovin' (You Ain't Livin'). Maggie, we've gone country!
After we turned off the last freeway and proceeded onto the country roads we passed more orchards, horses, and vineyards. 

Thankfully Google maps shows photo images with their directions. I was able to visualize where I suppose to be ending up!
It's here on the right.

  We entered the long driveway. I parked and Don's wife Barbara O'Brien greeted us. I went inside and chatted with Don & Barbara in their kitchen about Don's training philosophy and other things. After our talking we went to get Maggie out of the car. She wagged her wiggle butt excitedly. Don walked her into the kennel. I had brought a bag of toys, but Don informed me that Maggie was here to learn, not play. She wouldn't be needing those toys. He let her keep one toy for the first night only. Oops on my part! I did leave Maggie a blanket from home and a tee shirt of mine to remind her of my scent while we were parted for the next 2-3 weeks. 

Don filling Maggie's water bucket in the kennel.

Curious Maggie watches Don fill the water bucket.

Hey, wait a minute. Are you leaving me?

Maggie with her curious neighbor.

  The facilities are very nice. Maggie's in a controlled indoor environment with a wonderful grassy area outdoors for training. Don walked me around the place. It turns out we had the rodeo in common. I, being the spectator, and Don being a participant in team roping. He showed me his back forty where he had his horses, cattle, and team roping practice area. 

Yep, I walked right up to the cattle in the pen.

  O-Brien humor!

  While Maggie is at the O'Brien's for obedience training only Don also trains dogs for off leash hunting. I was able to see both the O'Brien's trailers for team roping and for hunting. I'm a country girl at heart, but living the city slicker life so, this was a wonderful treat to see and hear all about these outdoor lifestyles. 

 Inside team roping trailer; the horses go in the back right past the loo!

Don training in the field for hunting

  Don also has a beautifully restored 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air auto.


   The Youtube of Don O'Brien's Boarding & Training - Wilton, CA  shows a bit more about the facilities, but it can't share the feeling I had when I left. I had a feeling of being part of their family while at the same time enjoying myself in the candy store too. Maggie is going to be loving her country stay! It's all about experiencing new things, new ways of living, and meeting new friends whether of a human origin or of another animal species.

   At Don O'Brien's Kennels I found kindness, caring, humor, knowledge, and professionalism. I know Maggie is in terrific hands. She's not just another dog at a kennel, but a part of the O'Brien family for a short while. Until her pick-up date I will rest knowing she'll be just fine in Wilton,CA. My reward and hers will be Maggie having the skills needed to be a well-mannered & obedient dog. 

Update: Maggie's doing great at camp. I talked with Barbara O'Brien who stated Maggie's a real sweetheart, even tempered, and a pleasure to work with. Her routine is the usual eating twice a day, several training sessions daily, as well as potty outings with some outdoor running around & play time. Maggie's happy. What more could I ask for, but the knowledge that my special loved one is doing great at camp having fun while learning? 

Meanwhile: Maggie's half-brother Jake (same dad, different mom) who lives in Vermont just went to camp for 4 weeks. Jake will undergo both hunting & obedience training at his Vermont camp: Kirby Mountain Sporting Dogs. I imagine his dad Vince will be missing his buddy too. Flipside of the coin is I'm sure Vince will have a big smile on his face after he and his dog learn the skills needed for a successful best buddy system both in the field and at home! I know I will be sporting a big smile with my Maggie girl when she's home!   George Strait sang it well in his song:  I Cross My Heart.


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