Thursday, September 19, 2013

MaggieMoose: Road Trip 101 Making Friends

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Friends accept you the way you are."

  Maggie can't help herself from being her tongue wagging cute self. In life, Maggie's found her cuteness doesn't always win friendships, but her kindness does. Making friends in school might be like this for Bradley who recently started school. When Bradley and Maggie met on her road trip to southern CA it was love at first lick. Bradley was quite excited about Maggie's 1st book too; MaggieMooseTracks® Making Friends
What touched my heart was seeing both Bradley & Maggie as new friends. Sometimes it's hard to make new friends. Maggie knows all about this. I thought ahhh...seeing both Bradley & Maggie beaming with friendship. Maggie learned that friends accept you just the way you are, licks and all. By the way, licks from Maggie are kisses in her #MMTWorld. 
Best Friends Forever Bradley! WOOF WOOF
FYI Book 2 MaggieMooseTracks® Christmas Star is now for sale on! 
Book 3 MaggieMooseTracks® Wolf Pack is due out Jan. 2014....

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