Monday, September 12, 2011

Life's a Ball

  Maggie's life rolls different ways as time goes by. We like to shake things up to keep our world interesting. Last Friday Maggie had a big adventure when Marie Holmes from Precious Pets Home Care brought over a Border Terrier named Brody. Usually the tennis ball is her favorite pal, but on this day a little 5 month old puppy had her running loops in the backyard. They sniffed each other, they ran, they went flat on the ground, and couldn't seem get enough of each other. Pals are great, whether they be a rolling tennis ball, a dog owner or a four pawed friend. Luckily Maggie and Brody both have very sweet dispositions. They got along with each other as if they were long time friends.

  The next day as Maggie and I took our daily walk in the afternoon we met an older Golden Retriever who ambled along very slowly with its owner and her friend. Maggie and I walk at a fast clip so, it was evident that we were going to pass this older dog on the pathway. We decided to stop a bit and talk as I fed the older dog some treats and Maggie too. Golden Retrievers are the choice pet in our neighborhood. They have been for many years because of their family friendly nature. This old guy's color was whitish golden from his old age. His owner mentioned how he still liked to get out & about to meet people and see things going on. It kept him young. What a sweet dog. He had such an unusual name that I can't remember it except it was regal sounding. He reminded me of the old lion in Narnia because of his manner and size.

  They asked me "Is that an English Springer Spaniel?" 

  My reply "Why of course! There aren't many English Springer Spaniels around these parts." 

  Maggie and I continued on. We felt great after our encounter with the whitish Golden Retriever. Looking back, it was a weekend of change and encounters. Change is good. Like one never knows where the tennis ball will bounce next, Maggie & I never know where our day will take us. I think Maggie thinks this is the fun part of life as she rolls along into a new day each day she wakes up. By the way, Brody will be back for more visits and fun with Maggie. Life really is a ball! It's all in the eye of the beholders. 


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lean On Me

  Maggie curled up asleep on my feet is about as close a feeling as I can get to my dog; my best friend forever (BFF), my confidant, my humor machine, and my love bug. She leans on me and I lean on her. It doesn't get any better than this. 

  Chinese proverb: A Picture's Meaning Can Express Ten Thousand Words.

  I rest my case..... Maggie and me.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Like a Toddler....

  It's hard to believe I'm living with a four pawed shredder. I thought after my kids passed their toddler stage I was free from the eagle eye observation of children. Well, enter Miss Maggie, my four pawed toddler. She has become a shredding machine at 8 months. In hindsight, I think she was safer as a young puppy due to her baby jaw or teeth's lack of concrete biting and shredding.
  Now as Maggie matures her strength comes to the forefront. First it was the soft squeaky toys that met their demise out of the toy bin. Then it was the mattress pad from the crate. My only clue that the mattress pad was dangerous was when its green fuzzy guts were vomited by the shredding machine named Maggie. 
  The Nylabone still survives intact, but for Maggie there's nothing like a toy to sink her teeth in made from rope or cloth. I've thrown so many toys out it's hard to keep up with the new. The latest toy made with circles of rubber and rope has in a short time succumb to Maggie's iron jaws. The little plastic thing covering the rope portion was chewed off the first day. The rope is breaking down too. 
  I don't even want to mention when she goes outside; no stick, rock or clump of dirt is safe from her jaws. Sticks to Maggie are like caviar, escargot or a good brie on french bread for appetizers....maybe dessert visions of strawberry shortcake or apple pie. I'm not sure how she visions these delicacies, because she'll eat them before and after dinner or in between.
  Enter in the stuff-less raccoon toy. Maggie loves this toy. It has survived Maggie for 5 days. She can squeak its head and tail without ripping it apart at the seams. It seemed like such a weak toy, but what a fan favorite.

  As I had forgotten that toddlers prefer the least complex toys in life, now it's the simplest toy catching Maggie's fancy for hours. I will continue to keep my eyes peeled on my big girl Maggie to ensure she isn't choking on toy guts, barfing up stuffing, or ripping things apart that aren't safe for her. At least one toy is working; the flat, unassuming raccoon toy. 

As I continue to buy stronger, and better toys with trepidation that they too became objects of the dreaded shreddation of Maggie I'll keep my fingers crossed that her iron jaws and teeth of titanium steel will have no effect. Alas, the furniture still stands. Yes to the power of the toy bin! Now, if I can only fill it with toys of non-destructibility I can sleep at night ensured Maggie is sleeping safely too.

Addendum: The rope & rubber circle toy is no more. The rope circle is FINI! Maggie chewed dangerously through it. She is now left with twin circles of rubber sans rope. Official name "The Toddler Annihilator!"

  One month after writing about the raccoon toy Maggie shredded its tail end, removed the plastic squeaker part and almost swallowed it before I caught her in the act!

  I then upgraded the toy level to the Pig Extra Tuff Dog Toy. The pig is now missing its tail ( I had to cut it off for safety). Maggie also went on to eat one ear! Geez, the "tuff dog toy" isn't safe for my dog. She's not even a large size dog of the protective breeds!

  Maggie's continued favorite toys not mentioned earlier in this blog are  Penn tennis balls. They are the most durable toy Maggie continues to safely enjoy of the soft, fuzzy variety! Maggie does try to destroy these tennis balls, but like the test car dummies these balls live on.... Maggie gives  Penn tennis balls a four paw review for; excellence, durability, likability, and its American made! Thank you Penn!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ginger's Eleven

        Miss Maggie

  Maggie's mom Ginger had eleven puppies born on Aug. 15, 2011. I remember how my little Maggie puppy (daughter of Ginger & Zack) radically changed my life. Now there are eleven fantastic opportunities to change someone else's life in a wonderful, and mysterious way. You see, Sharon's English Springer Spaniel puppies have love DNA oozing through their pores. One can not help but be infected and smile from this contagion while passing it onto others.
  When I got Maggie I wanted a girl puppy. I needed to change things up since my last dog Scotty was a boy. Like Maggie has become, Scotty was my best friend, and true comrade, but he had pure male energy. I needed a little softness in my life after his passing. My little girl Maggie fulfills that and much more. 
  Maggie's half brother Jake (same dad, different mother) has that male explorer energy. He is now roaming the hills of Vermont. It's a great match for his owner Vince who needed a buddy to fish, hunt, and count the cows together. 
  For me, my Maggie girl is like Valentine heart candy. So sweet, surprising, and I never get enough of her sugary love. Nature knew what I needed. Thank you Mother Nature.
  Ginger's eleven bundles of love are wrapped in their own special packages of liver & white. Her colorful DNA is phenomenal. It's one trick of osmosis that nature has intended for eleven someone specials. The cuddly feel to the heart and skin these puppies are going to share makes me smile. Maggie's velvety feel of her coat as I stroke her ears or back or belly or feet is the greatest pleasure for both of us. She looks at me with that puppy smile although now at 8 months she looks every bit like a "dog" her puppy ways still show through.
  Like Jake the Vermont explorer, Maggie does have her adventurous & protective side. She will growl at a passerby that she senses is shady. I've found her instincts are spot on. She will track the human scent like she's going to save the world. Then too, she will also wiggle her butt like she wouldn't harm a fly when she likes someone. We call her "wiggle butt" when she does that!
  To the future owners of Ginger's Eleven I say "Life is good in the neighborhood with a little liver and white!"
Maggie agrees.