Thursday, December 22, 2011

An Affair to Remember....MaggieMoose style

  In the movie An Affair to Remember a couple (actors Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr) meets, falls in love, and agrees to meet six months later on top of the Empire State building....the cliff hanger: will it happen? One never knows around the next trail who you will meet. Less than a week ago Maggie met Jack.

  Maggie and I were out taking a quick walk when she alerted me a dog and his owners were approaching. Her enthusiasm seeing this dog was noticeable to me. It wasn't like previous dog encounters. I visualized in an instant what it feels like seeing a long lost family member or friend. Maggie wiggled her Springer bottom back & forth with excitement. 

  I removed my sunglasses to get a better look at the dog. 

  I asked the million dollar question "Is your dog an English Springer Spaniel?" 

  A resounding "Yes" was replied.

  Jack is a black & white English Springer Spaniel. He's an older, rugged looking male with a calm demeanor. He was friendly, yet carried an air of indifference at our first encounter. I'm sure there's much more to Jack.

  Kindred folk; both dogs and owners. Maggie and I were so excited meeting them. Maggie lives in an area dominated by Golden Labs, Golden Retrievers and lately.... Labradoodles. Seeing other English Springer Spaniels is rare for our neighborhood. 

  We exchanged pleasantries. I took photos. Maggie was so happy meeting Jack. It was very special for me too. They were like old friends. I gave Jack's owners Maggie's card with her blog & email address encouraging them to stay in touch since they live close by. 

  I asked "Maybe we can walk the dogs together sometime?" 

  I think I heard a "Yes".

  No word yet. Maybe the memories of our encounter will hold like the clip from An Affair to Remember when Cary Grant agreed to meet Deborah Kerr? 

  Or like the female lead in the story....maybe something will keep Maggie & Jack apart? 

  Then too, perhaps Maggie and Jack will be reunited like the final scene in An Affair to Remember. Drum roll... Cary Grant discovers where Deborah Kerr lives, and the reason they were kept apart, never to meet six months later in the Empire State building.... 

  At times life is complex. More than the simple act of a chance encounter as when Maggie met Jack. We believe the pawabilities are endless.... 

  To Jack and his family:

 "We wish you a Mari Maggie Christmas & A Happy New Years!"

Friday, December 16, 2011

Blue Christmas without you....

  Maggie and I are preparing for our family to arrive to celebrate the holidays together. Maggie fears two of her kindred pups might have a Blue Christmas without you! Cookie's last 2 pups named Luke & Lexie want to be home for Christmas. Let's keep the good thoughts & prayers that their forever, loving home will make their Christmas a specially blessed one. 

Luke boy (born 10/26/11) ready for Xmas

Lexi girl  (born 10/26/11) ready for Xmas

   Since Maggie's been on Santa's good list he brought her an early present of an Elk antler chew. Counting on her paws there's only 9 days left till Christmas.... Luke & Lexi are little Christmas cookies dreaming of being home for Christmas. Let's make it snow and mistletoe with Luke & Lexi presents under the tree....


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Cookies

Dec. 9, 2011 Maggie & Me

  Maggie and I just decorated our Christmas tree for Maggie's first Christmas. I'm thankful Maggie came into my life just as I know a bunch of Christmas cookies are going to bless others' lives. I thank Sharon the breeder who raised my sweet girl. 

  Awhile back Cookie and Zack (Maggie's dad) were up to a little merry making. Soon, out of the oven what should appear but a baker's dozen of Christmas cookies looking so dear! There were chocolate chip and Oreo colored boys and girls all born on October 26, 2011. These cookies are ready to make someone's Christmas or Hanukkah extra special and sweet.

  As you can see there are lots of cookies to choose from all so Christmassy cute. Some cookies didn't make it, and for that we shed some tears, but the ones that did make it will endear someone's holiday with good cheer.

     Little hearty boy cookies send you Christmas wishes of "Pick me please." 

  ...and sugar plum girl cookies say "Don't forget me."

   Christmas cookies make the holidays grand with their great looks, sweet smells, and all while giving one an inside feeling of a warm glow. Nine months ago my wonderful life with Maggie began with a simple email to Sharon. This Christmas season both Maggie and I are glowing with delight!

 Maggie at 7 weeks (2011)

 Decorating the Christmas tree as Maggie's first Christmas, I was privileged to watch her with wonder as she quizzically eyed the ornaments. 
Were they her Christmas presents? 
Her favorite tennis ball fit right in and looked alike.
 "Why not?" Maggie thought.

Maggie with her ball helping trim the Christmas tree 2011

  What Christmas cookie will make someone else's life extra special? Chocolate chip or Oreo color? Either cookie will get sent with holiday love by Sharon to bring joy & love as we proclaim:.


   PS. All these Christmas cookies are sold except one chocolate chip sweetie pie girl. Kind of like when I got Maggie; she was the last of a fabulous litter, but the best was saved for last!
Little Lexie is waiting for Christmas love!

Maggie says "Put Lexie under the tree and let your heart be filled with glee!"


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

REAL WORLD....MaggieMoose style

Maggie Sit/Stay with 10 foot lead on a busy & noisy street

  It's been 2 weeks since Maggie returned from her obedience training camp at Don O'Brien's Boarding & Kennels. We're both living in the real world now. Preparation laid the foundation for any of our quarterback challenges we've gone through since returning. We know the goal is to score perfect obedience, but at times the first game plan gets changed to plan B in an instant, right on the spot. 

Reminds me of the rock music.... Walk This Way

  The first day we walked together gave us quite a startle. A Wolf-Coyote hybrid dog came bounding towards Maggie at full speed from about 100 feet away on our pathway. I thought we'd both have a heart attack. This dog was enormous with its hair sticking out. Its piercing eyes were fully focused on Maggie and gave me the shivers. 
Who knows what Maggie felt except maybe in inaudible scream for HELP! Luckily, the dog meant Maggie no harm, but he was very curious about her. 

  His owner commented "I really can't control him".  

  What? I wasn't appeased with that comment. This unfortunate Wolf-Coyote hybrid dog was overweight, and off a leash in a city environment. It was upsetting to see a magnificent animal in such an overweight state in suburbia. Maggie and I walked on both forever changed from the experience.

  We've been practicing both the on leash and off leash skills of sit/stay, down/stay, come, and heel. We come across joggers, cyclists, walkers, loud traffic sounds, and dogs walking by us. I love the new heel position Maggie maintains now as she walks by all these distractions in near perfect position. Pretty good for a puppy of 11 months!

  Before obedience camp Maggie pulled when walking. My left shoulder was in such a poor state from her pulling. Nowadays, it's pure pleasure to have Maggie heel with a loose leash or off leash in a safe environment

  Maggie's dog walker Marie commented on what a different dog Maggie is since camp. 
"So easy going walking, and so much fun."

  Maggie's had some tough challenges with a few fumbles to test her obedience skills & my ability to handle them. We have weathered these challenges in good stead thanks to the training Don O'Brien & his family gave us. We're living in the real world and doing good.
Maggie still sitting &  still staying

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Maggie Moose Is Back in Town!

Maggie midway through obedience training

  Last week on 11/21/11, I picked my dog Maggie up from obedience training camp. She spent 4 weeks at Don O'Brien's Boarding & Training Kennel for on-leash & off-leash obedience training with both verbal & hand signal commands. Was it worth it? YES, YES, and YES! Did Maggie remember me after all that time apart? YES, YES, and YES! Are Maggie and I closer now than before she left for training? YES, YES, and YES! Do I have a spectacular dog after that training? YES, YES, and YES! Maggie came home a higher caliber dog, because while she was away she not only received daily tender loving care, but generations worth of obedience training from the O'Brien family. Thank you O'Briens.

Driving up at the crack of dawn

 I was filled with anticipation as I drove up to pick up Maggie from camp. 4 weeks is a long time apart from my best buddy. I confess I was a slothful slug while she was gone. I enjoyed sleeping in a little longer without the early am walks with Maggie. I enjoyed my slothfulness after work too. That is when I wasn't going out doing a little socializing without worrying about my Maggie being home alone. As I drove in the dark I listened to Blake Shelton's Greatest Hits CD. Hillbilly Bone blared in the wee hours of the morn driving up Hwy 680. HEE HAW! City slicker goes country.... HEE HAW!     
Deep fog approaching Sacramento

  As I drove through the fog I wondered if I was up for my obedience training with Don O'Brien? I was scheduled to train about 1 1/2 hr with Don before taking Maggie home. Geez, I knew my dog mastered the training, but I wasn't so sure about my own ability. I was feeling the pressure of the foggy unknown. 

Sunshine in Wilton, CA

  Out of the fog and into the sunshine. The O'Briens welcomed me with morning coffee and toast. I accepted the coffee and sat down with the O'Brien family while they ate their breakfast. I drank my coffee. Maggie was tucked away in the kennel while we conversed. Don kept saying " smart Maggie is...what a nice dog...." over and over again. He told me he had to correct her once when she ran to the kennel and he went the opposite way. Other than that one correction Maggie pretty much did what she was asked the first time. I sat there thinking I hope I catch on so quickly when it's my turn to learn. Nothing like a little pressure. The dog outshining the master? Yikes!

  The next step was Don O'Brien getting Maggie out of the kennel. I sat in a chair in their living room and looked out through the window onto on the patio below. Don brought Maggie to the patio for a demonstration of her obedience skills. Thoughts of: Holy cow! There was my dog! She looked great! She looked happy! Once the obedience demonstration started Maggie looked confident. 

  Don went through demonstrating on-leash and off-leash commands both verbal & hand signal of; heel, down stay, sit stay, come, and all kinds of distractions for Maggie as she held her commands rock steady. I went outside and stood quietly in front of Maggie while Don continued his commands. Maggie's eyes were ablaze with recognition of me yet she stayed true to whatever Don asked of her. Finally we were able to hug it out! Maggie felt great! She wiggled her butt with excitement to see me. 

Photos of Don and Maggie working taken through the living room window as I watched.


  Don had his work cut out for him working with me for my obedience lessons. A novice was before him. My hand signals were so fast I don't think a fly could see 'em! Don kindly informed me to s-l-o-w down. An 1 1/2 later I finally mastered his instructions. Whew! That was a mental workout! I think Don mentioned something like "...this was to be Maggie's worst day of obedience behavior due to adding me into the mix ( a newby)." Maggie did great in spite of me. 

   I was impressed with Maggie's training, her care while she was away, and how much fun I had with all the O'Briens; Don, his wife Barbara and his daughter Jessica. Maggie and I said our goodbyes to the dear O'Briens and hopped in the car for the 2 1/2 hr ride home. We drove out of the sunshine of the O'Brien kennels into the overcast day ahead. Musically I changed things up and listened to my CD: Christmas Portrait by the Carpenters. Karen Carpenter sang: I'll Be Home for Christmas as I looked in my rearview mirror at my dog Maggie sleeping. Yes Maggie, you will be home for Christmas, but first we're off to an obedient Thanksgiving! 

Maggie away from home visiting on Thanksgiving Day (11/24/11) 
Yes, she brought her manners with her!
Thanks O'Briens!

ADDENDUM: A big fat thank you to my blog viewers for your patience in the lack of Maggie blogs while she was gone at camp and during her first week home. Maggie and I had a little catching up to do! 
There's no place like home, right Maggie?
(Maggie laying right next to me as I blog-11/27/11)