Tuesday, February 11, 2014

MaggieMoose: Raining Sunshine & Flowers & Twigs

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."

  Our world has been under heavy dew drops. It has R-A-I-N-E-D for days. When the sunshine decided to sparkle its rays we went outside and soaked it up! We had one moment under the sun before the cloud cover returned. It was all we needed. A little freedom to look up and smile at the sunshine & flowers. Today's weather alerts are for heavy fog. Yes, we could barely see each other in the fog on our walk. We asked ourselves; this is California, right? Not London? Maggie's always the optimist rain or shine so, every day's a good day for her. Rain & wintry weather bring twigs a plenty. A big S-C-O-R-E  for a twig lover! After Maggie's morning walk she decided to burrow in for the remainder of winter to live life on a horizontal angle. Her sign is posted: Wakes up for twigs or sun. Flowers a bonus. 

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