Tuesday, September 3, 2013

MaggieMoose: Good Morning Moon!

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make the other person feel important."

  Maggie and I have been very busy getting this done or that done for everything called MaggieMooseTracks®. We're waiting for a proof copy of the Japanese translated version of Book 1 MaggieMooseTracks® Making Friends to arrive any day, we're getting ready to publish Book 2 : MaggieMooseTracks® Christmas Star (the holiday book), and Book 3 MaggieMooseTracks® Wolf Pack is in the rough draft process, plus much more is in the MaggieMooseTracks® pipeline. Whew! And a WOOF! WOOF! Did ya catch your breath there Maggie? When I walked outside this morning to check on Maggie's sniffing about I looked up at the sky. "Good morning moon," seemed like a natural thing to say. More important to me was my stopping to appreciate the beauty of that moment after all the busyness. Afterwards we both walked inside. I was puttering about. More busy, busy... Maggie sat there watching me. I stopped and looked back at her. A deep appreciation of love for Maggie swelled up in my throat. It's easy to forget to appreciate others when I get busy, busy, but not today.... 
Good morning Maggie. And P.S. I love you! 

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