Tuesday, February 5, 2013

MaggieMoose: Sharing the Love

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it."

    Maggie and I are very grateful we have each other. Others around us are grateful too. Maggie knows just how to kick up the love energy to the next level when she's around. On our Facebook: Mari Maggie Moosetracks or our MaggieMooseTracks page we see daily feeds from the ESRA (English Springer Rescue of America, Inc.). These English Springer Spaniel dogs need fostering, adoption or $ donations. Since Maggie is an English Springer Spaniel it hits close to our hearts. So many beautiful & loving dogs out there. All they want is someone to put oil in their love lamp. Maggie and I discussed this dilemma. We knocked our heads around wondering how could we spread the news? After all, the ESRA does a stellar job already of promoting their cause.... but when Maggie did a body slam in my lap for a hug it hit us. We realized for that love lamp to burn for dogs just wanting to share their hearts we have to do something. We decided to align with Rescued Is My Favorite Breed to fund raise by selling t-shirts with Maggie's smiling face on them. No, we don't get a cent, but the ESRA gets $5.00 per t-shirt, sweatshirt, or other clothing item. Our friends at Mountain House Feral Cat Rescue gave us the idea. Thanks kitty kat friends. Drum roll..... Here's the front:


Sharing The Love
English Springer Rescue Of America (ESRA)
We hope our friends and followers might want to share the love and carry a little bit of MaggieMoose in their hearts. It will remind them the love message needs to be sent out, but the the love lamp requires fuel to refill it. We thank Brett of Lacroixtees.com. He did a fantastic job on the MaggieMooseTracks' tee. 
CLICK THE LINK to see Maggie's t-shirt page for the ESRA donation: 

This MaggieMoose ad was given a moose size stamp of approval from MaggieMoose herself! 
P.S. Our webpage www.maggiemoosetracks.com is currently getting redesigned. It will be up and running by mid-Feb. 2013 +/- a few days.

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