Friday, November 2, 2012

A Blimpishly Unexpected Day

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me."

  Some days Maggie and I are caught by surprise. Yesterday was one of those days. It poured rain outside. I didn't want to walk Maggie, but she was insistent. We bundled up; her in her coat and I in mine. We went outside expecting lots of water, but there wasn't any rain. OK, we're overdressed. As we walked along we came across a mystery mushroom. A very big mushroom (5" tall by 4" wide). Where did this mushroom anomaly come from? 
Maggie couldn't help herself, even she was curious. She knew this wasn't the usual mushroom in the neighborhood. Careful Maggie, it's probably poisonous! DON'T TOUCH!

Later in the day we take our afternoon walk with Maggie's sibling. We happen to look up in the sky. A blimp during the week? OK, we think.... just a normal day. Everyone sees a blimp in their neighborhood during the week.

We decided to get some Japanese take out for dinner. We drive over to pick it up. Maggie's sibling ran in to pick up the food. Maggie and I sat in the car. I looked through the windshield and see these out of the ordinary plants. I get out of the car to get a closer look. Through the fencing that surrounds the train track perimeter I see a patch of isolated cactus plants with fruit. I know this isn't a typical sighting. Cactus with fruit? Really? What a day Maggie and I had. So many unexpected things. We smiled at each other. It was our kind of day!
Look close-cactus with fruit

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