Tuesday, September 11, 2012

California Dreaming: Louisiana Food & Elk Antlers

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating."

  I woke up this morning and looked at some of my New Orleans photos. The food photos stuck out like a red stop light glaring. I was dreaming of those delicious beignets from Cafe DuMonde or the soft shelled crab with asparagus & shrimp from Crescent City Brewhouse. FYI-Both of these food establishments are a must stop and enjoy!
Meanwhile, Maggie ate her breakfast, drank some water and then settled down to chewing on her elk antler. I'm glad Maggie's satisfied by devoting some attention to her palate cleanser-the elk antler. But, where the heck am I going to find beignets or soft-shelled crab Louisiana style here in California? I'm wide awake California dreaming of rich & tasty Louisiana food times.... Maggie, I think Expedia is calling us. Time for a trip?
Maggie & her elk antler chew

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