Sunday, August 5, 2012

One Lovely Blog Award Plus One Makes Two

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention."

  Today MaggieMooseTracks blog was nominated for the "One Lovely Blog Award" on We think this is very lovely indeed. Thank you Hoof Beats and Foot Prints for nominating us. PINK and GREEN are our favorite colors. Maggie and I can only give the biggest WOOF WOOF in appreciation. We paws to acknowledge all our followers and the readers that check in now and then to see what we are up to or that have previously nominated us. We deeply appreciate everyone's interest in our wanting to share some good news of pawsabilities around the globe. As novice bloggers on Maggie and I are unfamiliar with all the "how to's" in the blogging world. We appreciate our path being lit by other more experienced bloggers. In order to share our appreciation & kindness for such diversity in blogging from both inexperienced and experienced we have nominated a diverse blogging community here for the "One Lovely Blog Award." Maggie and I want to send out a belated thank you for nominating  MaggieMooseTracks for "The Versatile Blog Award" awhile back. Now all we have to do is figure out how to post the awards on our blog site? Woof Woof

The rules of this award are:
1. Thank the person who nominated me.
2. Share 7 things about myself that you still may not know.
3. Nominate 15 bloggers that I admire. (I’m going to do 10)
4. Notify the nominees.
5. Put the logo of the award on my blog site. 
Seven things you might not know about me:
1. My breathe actually smells pretty good for a four pawed girl. 
2. I, like Hoof Beats and Foot Prints, love to take naps. Most people think I play with the tennis ball all day or eat twigs. Not true, I want to clear the rumors, naps rule! 
3. I was born in Seneca, MO. The heartland of America. 
4. Rawhide chews (chip size) are my absolute favorite snack. I like them not too big and not too small. 
5. I am ready TO GO anytime and anywhere. I'm versatile. 
6. I love going to the Veterinarians. I know when I leave I get a biscuit. Yum. 
7. I am a girly girl and a tomboy too. I can rough and tough it with the best of them! 
Thank you for following our adventures! The pawsabilities are endless.... woof woof

Maggie sends her love & thanks!
Bloggers nominated (in no particular order): 

8. Rodposse 
Once again, thank you fellow bloggers. Many  MaggieMooseTracks licks and woof woofs to you!

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