Friday, February 17, 2012

Double Birds' Eye View

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us." Ashley Montagu

  In our yard, high up little chirps caught Maggie's and my attention. I looked up and saw a Blue Jay (really the Western Scrub-Jay) hop in a nest. WOW! So exciting! Everyone that knows me, knows I love birds. As a kid I was the kind of kid that for fun perused a field manual for birds. I also had a pet parakeet named Pal that could talk. I'm still in love with John James Audubon bird paintings. My happiness in seeing the bird's nest seized me. I still have parakeets (Tommy & Jerry) so, I can always hear the melodious sounds and chirps of birds year around. After the nest sighting Maggie and I took a walk. I saw something big and white on top of an oak tree. What the heck was that? Was it litter? Omigosh, it's a Great White Egret on top of the tree! It looked grand sitting there. I took out my iPhone and pushed the zoom to the hilt-snap went the photo shot. The resultant photo was a humble enlargement of the greatness of this bird.
Great White Egret

Maggie looked bored while I made her wait in the middle of our walk. 
I felt really lucky to be surprised with two magnificent moments of happiness seizing me so unexpectedly. Meanwhile, my faithful friend Maggie tolerated my madness and semi-pretended to be happy for me. I think her happiness was being outdoors in the fresh air while mine was high up on the tree tops with a double birds' eye view. And, of course, with my buddy Maggie too.

(ps. I wonder if I should tell Maggie about the field guides I have for fish, seashells, tide pools, and more?)

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